Tree of Savior Forum

Searching for monster (adventure journal)

  • Open adventure journal
  • Go to the “monster” tab
  • Enter a monster name
  • Press “search”

Result: list is always empty

This is really annoying, as it is the only way to tell how many of a monster race you already killed.

Also I note that ordering, filtering… also don’t work.


in order to really look up the monster you are looking for in the journal you have to scroll through the entire list

best way to narrow the list would be go by alphabetical and then wha type it is then you just scroll along till yah find the monster you want

It probably won’t work anytime soon, so just use this addon
(you need to put ipf file in steamapps/common/TreeofSavior/data folder)

As for keeping track of killed monsters it’s easiest with mapmate

As of October 17, this is now fixed!