Tree of Savior Forum


hi sir chibi i already submit my application yesterday. i hope ill be a part of this guild.:slight_smile: by the way im a pinoy too and nice guild :slight_smile:

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yep, saw it… i was waiting for any other applicants that will caught my attention before i proceed on accepting :smiley: patience is a virtue :joy:


check APPLICATION section :smiley:

still recruiting! bumping! and bump! :sunglasses:

Bumping ! again! and Again :persevere:

application sent. starting to get bored with the “Lone Wolf” schtick anyway. lol

submitted application, fingers crossed :stuck_out_tongue:

pm’d you in game awhile ago but i guess you’re not yet online hehehe. anyways i will get in touch with you asap :smiley:

application sent :slight_smile:

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i don’t see imsaeki in the list of applicants… you may want to recheck if you have really applied… or maybe imsaeki is not your teamname hahaha… i’ll be taking action on the applicant list later this afternoon :smiley:

yah the team name is LASTK1NG

Wow…a professional-like guild…feels like a corporate or something.:laughing:

Application sent…crossfingers🤗

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Initiating bumping process…
Bumping in progess… please do not navigate away from this page…
Bump successful…

Team Name FatBoss

Application sent.

Team Name = MrWatever

Application sent.

Team Name: MrWatever

Application sent.