Tree of Savior Forum


We are a Group of Online Gamers. Our guild name comes from the word System which means “a set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole, in particular”

We are a guild that represents the symbol of friendship and unity being a Family!

We seek for a well-organized and friendly environment with very less toxic players, with lots of fun times in-game, bonding moments and also knowledge sharing.

As for our history, to be honest we don’t have much, we are from Ragnarok Online Philippines and eventually transferred to International Ragnarok Online as the PH server closed down.
We are the members of the Guilds: Army Of Angels (AoA), Sanko, Untouchables (UT) and Adventure Time (AT).

We are trustworthy people that you can get along with. I assure you that!


you can skip at 0:45 - 3:50 then more laughter will come, i recommend you watch this until the end . .
i guarantee you its a hell lot of fun :sunglasses:






  • Willing to cooperate with guild activities. This also includes a mandatory requirement for Talts to feed our guild tower and make it our Mansion!

  • Legit Player

  • Respectful

  • Trustworthy

  • Teamspeak

  • Moderate to HardCore Gamer (plays 6-12hrs a day)

  • Matured af! hehehe

For now our objective is more on PvE, focus our selves to prepare for the end game PvE Journey, get our members to reach their goals! And eventually in the future we do PvP… We’re also open for Friendly GvG Matches; we will do this so we can also enjoy our game with pvp stuffs. We don’t want to always brutally kill monsters, they also have heart so at some point we must whip some players ass too :smirk:

Slots are limited, we will always update this thread whenever we have open slots.

Application form here ->> >> CLICK ME <<

you can also pm me HERE in forum or in-game -> GimLeT- / Chibi-sama

Requirement Level:


We are currently in need of the ff:

  • ANY CLASS or Melee Class

We always check our pending applicants every other day so just relax and calm your talts!

And we will let all the applicants know if they are accepted or not via pm in-game, because whether we really really reeeeeeeaaaallllyyyy wanted to accept all of you unfortunately we can’t coz slots are limited :sweat_smile:

For those who applied but are not on the waiting list, sadly we really want to accept you guys its just our guild level is not that high to expand our guild member capacity.

Our top priority are those who really met our requirements…

BUT! don’t lose hope! as we will expand our guild in the future…

so if you still want to join, you can wait for further announcement here in our thread! :sweat_smile:

Thank you for your time! Hope to see you in game! GOOD LUCK and HAVE FUN AF!


bump . . . :smile_cat:

Application Sent! btw my main is SW>Pelt>Hop3>dopple lvl 210 but im changing it and im going fletcher 3 im more on world boss hunting and probably Earth Tower. I want to explore more things with you guys with my new character… :slight_smile:

thank you for your interest :grin:
i will update you of the result after we are done summarizing all applicants, prolly until our slots are all taken

I would like to join but showing my facebook profile is kind off-putting for me.

i understand.

this is for the guild security, i know some people wouldn’t understand but we in guild decided to make sure to accept people with legit persona. :neutral_face:

How would we know of we are Qualified or Invited?? is this thru the game only or Social Media also?

Hi @RavenSoul, i was trying to pm you last night i guess you weren’t around… so maybe later afternoon or after reset i’ll pm you again in-game :smiley:

and about the result, i’ll pm all the applicants who didn’t make it… since there are soooooo many players applying, only few selected will be able to get accepted… coz our guild slot as of now is limited :sweat_smile:

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application sent :slight_smile: hope i can work with you guys

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Do you have a webpage for the current members and founders of the guild?
At least we know you guys before we join the guild.

Hi @Chibi-sama,

I’ve sent my application some days ago.
I’d like to ask if the results have already been sent for my application. :smiley:


sorry but we dont have a website, we only have facebook page… and google docs about guild info… but those are only accessible if you’re a member… sorry for this inconvenience… safety first :smiley:

Hi @VaesDothrak

we will let you know thru in-game/forum pm, as soon as we are done summarizing all the applicants… to be frank its hard to deal with all the applicants coz they’re like sooooo many :joy:

and we also can’t accept all applicants coz our guild level is still low and haven’t upgraded the attribute for increasing member capacity so for now we only have 25 slots for the guild… and 7 slots left :sweat_smile:

yeah i have some matters to attend with last night but thanks for the quick response… this only show that this is a good guild coz admins here are hands on… i really like to join you … :grin: you can msg me thru FB or in game …

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ill be happy if i were even on the waiting list… i hope youll reconsider my application :slight_smile:

hi @michaeljojo88

we really do appreciate your interest on joining us, it is just the slots are limited so we really need to maximize those who we need, it doesnt mean that your are not qualified, all of you are, unfortunately we can’t accept you all :sweat_smile: and they maybe at waiting list but we still can consider other applicants if those people on waiting list doesn’t bother on replying our message in-game & fb… so thats it, hope you understand :worried:

@Chibi-sama ohh im really sorry im not being sarcastic there but kind of saying some wishing words or something haha… i know that my chances are slim bcoz of those many applicants and limited slots so its ok for me if im not get invited. :slight_smile: Its just really rare on a guild to have a focused leader(s) and very hands-on. hats off to you guys and gl to other applicants! peace! :smile_cat:

thanks mate! :innocent:

well i think, we will expand very soon since those people that got accepted are sooooo generous, that’s what my gamer instinct tells me :laughing: so it means we will be feeding lots of talts very soon… and will up the guild to expand member cap and then everybody will be happy again :wave:

Bump. . . . :japanese_ogre:

Good day, is there any slot on your guild?
i am wondering if i can join in. Im AC2>Q3 planing to have AC3>QS3>M1 level 160. i tried clicking on the application but seems not working.