Tree of Savior Forum

[SEA-Telsiai] Unexpected 'Likes' reset, need help

Hello there, I need some help

I dont know why this happen out of the blue,but my ‘Likes’ have been reset to zero while searching for party in Mercenary post.

What I am talking about is not ‘Likes’ reset while I got transferred from Klaipeda to Telsiai, but those new ‘Likes’ that I got here after transferred to Telsiai.
And also, it seem like few other players who transferred from Klaipeda to Telsiai just like me have their ‘Likes’ reset again today too.

I realized that ‘Likes’ does not affected anything gameplay-wise, and there are going to be someone out there questioned why do I even need to care about simple numerical value at all.

There’s not much reason, I just valued those ‘Likes’ as a compliment from teammate after each successful dungeon/mission or from those whom they have spent time do some grinding/questing with me.
(Yet, i never standing there in town AFK: [!!Like me plz])

//Already traumatized from my 50-ish ‘Likes’ reset while transferring from Klaipeda eventhough IMC Staff did note in Server Transfer Details and Conditions that Likes will NOT CHANGE
I did not mad about this at all, I just feel a bit sorrow.

Hope I dont have ‘Likes’ reset for a third time next week after I got new one again after this.

I can confirm this, my like also be reseted.