Tree of Savior Forum

[SEA - Telsiai] Rebellion πŸ’›

  • Guild Name: Rebellion
  • Server Name: Telsiai
  • Team Name of Guild Master: GH0STZ
  • Number of Guild members and size of the guild : 79 medium and cozy with lots of cuddles from cute girls :love_letter:

Hello there, we are highly active in CM, Weekly Boss Raid, GTW, and End Game Legend Raids. WE LOVE ARTS, WE LOVER ARTIST. COME AND JOIN US DEAR ARTISTTT, we will draw alot alot of art work in guilds. Oh, one last thing, Welcome to join us in building up AirLines in Orsha3

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Hey, just wondering if you are still recruting.

Team name: Taro
Highest level character: 333

Returning old player seeing that there is more love on the game by GMs now making improvements and balancing.

Active daily during evenings after work hours !

Hope yall get back to me soon haha

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