Tree of Savior Forum

SEA server transfer not until after Early Access

Fellow SEA players, will you reroll and play now in the new SEA server or wait until May to be transferred there?


Q. When will the EU and SEA servers be relocated to their respective locations?

A. We are planning on doing so near the end of the Exclusive Access
period. Our top priority is to successfully transfer the teams to the
new servers first, and server relocation depends on how well our team
transfer goes. We will let you know about any advancements regarding
this issue in a future announcement.

Great, looks like they’ll be transferring our characters before physically relocating the new SEA server to SEA.

problem for me is i claimed the package thing already so… guess i’ll wait to be transferred. would be easier if they just gave the package again but oh well.

It sucks for those who used their package already. Luckily I haven’t purchased DLC yet because this is what I was thinking, they might open a SEA server and i don’t like the hassle of transferring. PogChamp

Wait… so whoever’s claimed their premium package or created the team name they want in Klai or Orsha is basically screwed?

Edit: Ok makes no difference actually, since the physical location of the server will still be in US until they change it to SEA

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Julie They already tell you in this topic, that you can keep founder package forever until there is regional server you wanted to settle in

the transfer program gonna start after F2P launch

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I think majority of the SEA guys also opened their stuff… I see SEA still in green. Looks like a ghost server. lol

yess. though if you haven’t started better have ur team there so u wouldn’t hassle yourself with the transfer thing… coz if things doesnt go well [items, TPs lost during transfer] then boom. there goes headache…

yup used up my token will have to w8 till transfer

When transferred, I know team names are unique but how about character names? tia

From another post


We are all waiting transfer to SEA, but can not at this time. once open, there will be many guys go inside.

Any updates on this?..I’m stuck on ORSHA and want to transfer to SEA (TELSIA)…Also for clarification: Do we get to keep everything when we transfer servers? because some people are saying that we don’t get to keep our items when we transfer…