Tree of Savior Forum

SCREEN Resolution TOo Big for my scren help me pls

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) :Jan. 04, 2017 UTC+8

Server Name:Varena

Team Name:Torsches

Character Name:Catherine

Bug Description :Screen Resolution So big cant access setting to go window mode (SOON As I get in the Server Selection)
(letting us know what you were doing before, during, and after the bug happened will help us a lot)

Steps to reproduce the issue :

Screenshots / Video :
(attach screenshots or videos regarding the bug)

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) :


  • CPU :
  • RAM :
  • Graphics Card :
  • Mainboard :
  • Storage :
  • OS :
  • Internet Connection :
  • Country, Region :

Hi! @killerzwill kindly send us a support ticket to be able to help you with your concern.

  • Change the following line to your desktop resolution:

Then run the game again, it should fix, but if it doesn’t:

  • Go to the folder: Steam\steamapps\common\TreeOfSavior\release and delete the file user.xml or rename it to user.bkp with the game closed of course.

That will reset the settings to its default setting.