Tree of Savior Forum

Scrap or Salvage this pet build I've been making?

I was planning on going for some form of Sorc>Necro2 because I like the idea of having bunch of pets/minions. I know that pet AI is far from perfect but I thought the classes before Rank5 would help remedy that. I looked up some info, fiddled around with skill simulator, and eventually I picked a selection of classes I thought could work.
I worked on this character for a few days and right now I have a lv115 Wiz>Pyro>Linker>Psychokino. My experience with this selection of classes is that it’s not particularly powerful and that the pyro/kino synergy was lot more lacking than I thought. I still find it more fun and helpful than when I played as a swordie in a dungeon/mission I was talking to a necro in my guild (he has cryo3>kino>necro2) and he thinks this is FUBAR. I just wanted second opinions as to what some of you who have more experience/knowledge with Sorc/Necro think about this. I’m not above rerolling but don’t wanna go through that process again without some reassurance. I’m also open to pretty much any build path (if you’ll recommend that I reroll) as a recommendation as long as it retains Necro 2.

I for one is not a wizard main but I did a lot of research and theory crafting before I decided to main Archer class. I have to admit the class selections lok a little confusing to me. It seems like you want to be a jack of all traits, master of none, then go pet build at late game.

My suggestion is to at least build a solid role early that will reinforce the foundation of your pet master type role late game.

Do you want some utility for team contribution and for easy pickings for your pets? How about focusing Cryo 2-3 then go sorc, necro?

or how about some early farm damage and sustain damage? Pyro 2-3 before going sorc, necro perhaps?

Or a little bit of both by staying wizard 1-2-3 before going sorc, necro?

For pve consider linker1, maybe even 2 in order to get the most out of all your pets. You aren’t going for a strong DPS role might as well take advantage of all your damage sources instead of letting it get spread thinner.

PvP, cryo3 is probably the best bet.

You may consider going C1 Wizard -> C1 Pyro or Cryo -> C3 Linker, C2 Necro, since you are most interested in the summons.

Everyone loves links so you’ll be welcome in any party and substantially decrease clear times. Mainly though the reasoning is that you sound like you want to make the most of your summons. A high INT value, at the time of summoning, determines a Necro’s summon’s attack values. Going Linker C3 will allow you to go full-INT (or just a smidge CON too) and lifeline for half the time with your party’s CON without having to worry as much (or Physical Link to help spread and mitigate damage to yourself).

Most importantly there is very very little out there that can buff your summons so you will be heavily relying on: your INT value, your summon Skill Level, and links. A linker is likely the single most effective way to increase your summon DPS as it turns every one of your minions into an AOE machine that chip chops away at entire waves.

Less favorable but equally viable would be making sure to have at least one election in linker but then getting C1 Sorc at R5 for the additional summons (which, sadly, will still outshine Shoggoth even at C2 Necro). In short… your build still has potential to be decent with your current elections, but, could be better if you choose something a little different (if you had Cryo instead of Pyro the build you have now would still be good with R5 Sorc and C2 Necro). Worst case scenario is you re-roll, but, I’d still keep this character and turn it into an Alch XD

I agree with the linker hence my inclusion of linker in my current character.

for cryo3 as a pvp choice, elaborate? is it the aoe skills? ice wall? subzero shield? all of the above?

there’s no doubt in my mind that I really want to include linker in a pet build but I don’t feel so hot about dedicating that much to linker. I know it has its pros like you mention but I’m not really sold on it yet. Maybe I just need a little more push XD

also for the last big you mention. So you think it would have been a fine build if I took cryo instead of pyro and continued with my original plan of going Sorc>necro2? fml. Also, I’ll take that comment about making my character into an alchemist into consideration. My guild doesn’t have anyone that’s an alchemist yet. After the bit of feedback I’ve seen from this forum and elsewhere, I’m leaning towards rerolling tbh.

Well the reasoning behind your current build working better with Cryo is you have Icewall + PP to help on bosses since skeletons will be instagibbed rather quickly, whereas Pyro brings little to help in that arena. Fireballs at 5 hits (10 considering the overheat), 20s of “meh” damage and slow ticks from flame ground… the Cryo would have helped more to make up for your weakness in single-target burst while your summons run around =P

That’s not to say you can’t work with what you have, because you surely can, but it kind of follows the “jack of all trades” route, with emphasis on summons late game.

Sure. First, ice bolt is the bread and butter of single target cc. Even if it gets resisted by PD buffs having 2 overcharge cc skills from 1 rank is valuable.
Ice wall is OK situationally but setup isn’t reliable in a real fight unless the enemies are vulnerable from çc skills stronger than freeze. Sleep, stop, maxed slow, ice pillar etc
Subzero shield is the focus of the cryo3>summoner type build. You act as the “main body” playing defensively while letting summons and teammates put in work. Subzero 10 gives you a reliable counter against archers and mages who will try to focus you from a distance.