Tree of Savior Forum

Scout3 farmer (145d) Level 176 Seriously?

^Right on! Not sure lol about the timings on leveling WL2 , should be slower that scouts (invis questing ezpz).

This is a Scout3>Rogue1, I suppose? Can you share your clear time in 145 dungeon using this character?

Iā€™m curious cause I use the same class setup with 240 crit rate and 50% SA attribute, albeit with inferior gears; my +7 Light Gorithos(three lvl5 red gems) is probably the only one worth mentioning.
My average clear time is 25-30mins which I feel really underwhelming due to inconsistent crits(no werewolf cards) :sweat:

Is it better to reroll to a high-full DEX Scout 3 for faster dungeon runs?

have you tried using the route provided at the 2nd post on this page? if no, please do so, as it is proven to be the fastest route clearing the dungeon.

I have a dying pc but I can estimate roughly around 17 minutes with 63 attributes, the build is Archer1, ranger2, rogue1, scout 3 full str afk waiting strenght revamp before deciding to go mergen or hakkapale.

Even without werewolf card, monsters move as 10 max, freeze for seconds to cast a spell etcā€¦ itā€™s easy to circle around them and make bouncing damage from spliting arrow take advantage of sneak hit.

My scout was for testing purpose and rank 8 in mind, I cannot tell if farming with this is effective or not xD
My split arrow goes up to 32 000+ max which is not bad I think.

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17 minutesā€¦ I think thatā€™s really great :smiley:

So itā€™s just me doing it wrongā€¦
I need to put in more effort and technique to this and being less lazy lol

Thanks for the tips :slight_smile:

I havenā€™t yet. Will do, thanks :slight_smile:
Nice guide btw

Clearing mobs is fast if you have at leat 800 max PA with 50% attribute, the point is how much time you spend killing bosses.

I still didnā€™t understod why Merge took more time to kill. When I go to Lavenzard, I lure almost all mobs to him so I spam Split Arrow.
Lavenzard die before all mobsā€¦ doiing this with Merge, you kill all mobs and Merge still holds 30% hp.

Itā€™s pew pew pew for scout3ā€™s XD

How good is an A2 R1 Sc1 F3 Merg at solo-clearing the 145 dungeon?

it is good when it reach rank 8 mergen, before that it is not good

I think he means Fletcher 3, not Falconer 3, since Falconer is a r6 class, and Fal 3 Mergen is currently impossible.

Iā€™d say that Fletcher Mergen is a specialized boss hunting machine for an archer class since Mergen has 2~3 bursts that can be used during the gap of Magic Arrows. Not so much of an aoe class though.

Mergen skills have such long cooldowns, and donā€™t do nearly as much damage as even Barrage. Thatā€™s why I want to ask if itā€™s worth it to try soloing the 145 dungeon.

Whatā€™s your attribute allocation? Lots of STR or lots of DEX?

if this is fletcher3, it depends on how strong your Crossfire is, afterall this is your only skill with 0 CD that is AoE, mergen is merely out of question due to its skill CDs.

How about just dropping Magic Arrows and luring foes through it by running circles?

Well tbf, Mergen burst damage does higher damage than Barrage in the same animation time-frame.

Barrage is slow, has delay,is point blank, and not always get the full damage.

Triple Shot can hit boss 3 times for around 50k damage in a blink, and 100k if cast twice.

Homing Arrow can do about 80k damage per cast on a single target, but it requries charges. (160k total)

Arrow Rain can do around 200k~250k damage to boss in a 0.5 sec cast.

This is all excluding Steady Aim damage bonus, with only 40% damage attribute. Itā€™d get way higher with Steady Aim bonus and higher attribute.

Thatā€™s why I say adding Mergen on Fletcher is like adding extra burst damage against boss since those skills are fast and bursty, but with long CD. They donā€™t conflict with each other because Magic Arrow has such a short CD that you barely have time to cast anything else anyway.

Itā€™s not so much of an AOE class, but a boss killing machine, which fletcher 3 is already good at.

Whatā€™s the best rank 7 class for a scout 3 dedicated 145 farmer?

it will take too long before you kill those mobs just by luring them. much faster if your Crossfire can deal 20kish and spam it all the way.

again, fletcher3 will probably kill the boss in 5sec paired with mergen. but it doesnā€™t end there. as your reason of doing 145D is to kill all mobs to gain silver. bossing is very minimal in this case.

I made my first char as a silver farm, still lvling it up ( lvl 173 atm), however I was following another guide and went to full str, also have a +6 Khasti ā€¦

Current stats - Was following idreamys-guide
300 str
15 dex

will I be able to farm with this? should I re roll for go full dex? Im depressed now :frowning:

are u able to clear dun145 in 30min?

if yes, then continue as it is

if no, then buy the DLC for Stat Reset

if poor, reroll, huehuehue

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never tried, but with no split arrow I dont think I can do much, am I wrong? still need 1 class lvl to go to rank6