Tree of Savior Forum

Scheduled Maintenance for February 28, 2017

gvg isn’t new content WHAT THE FVUCK?!


Player base going down again.


for once am ok with this short patch…

cause I was about to go to sleep and it would have been a pain reading a long one…

Is a new content they added the word “NEW”. So is new content.


how many times you can do gvg per season? and per day?

  • 2 for season = 4 per day?
  • 1 for season = 2 per day?
  • 4 per day and you can waste in any season?
  • 2 per day and you can waste in any season?

Now I wish later hunting ground update has all the ground rather than just the 1st 4, so late!


Still kinda so-so patch. Meanwhile DN SEA unusually gave an relatively advanced patch with the new spin-off class.

Why not fixing Paladin bug that causes monsters to not spawn?
As I have already reported, submited a ticket and demonstrated it in video?


It’s their trademark to fix bug no one is aware about, to fill their “huge patch note” as they’d like to say, instead of just fixing them on the go.

Should I bring it to public? Seriously.
Maybe they are going to give it attention when I break demon prison 2 spawn. So all the locks will run to the forum to ask what is going on.
I guess it was the same that time with /xxx.
Imc wasnt giving a s*** until the overwhelming number of crashes.


There was already a kinda frequently used thread about this bug, and STAFF_Whoever came and said that he “talked” to the dev and he said the “effect” was intended despite everyone saying and spamming it’s a bug.

No intervention from them since then.

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I see.
Mine is about turning the monster in a “npc” and sustain the monster in this state until the channel crashes or maintenance itself.

  • no need of the paladin to stay in the map, nor in the game. That’s why “npc” monster.
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:sunglasses:Sorien’s MO right there

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what is a MO? xd /2020

I like this game and wouldn’t mind throwing money at it on occasion but based on the current state of it, I can not justify it… There are bugs, we report them, nothing gets done… I would be happy with a simple reply that at least acknowledges the fact that I found a bug and that they will fix it when they can but I don’t even get that. How am I supposed to feel good about investing time and money into a game when things are the way they are… I also hate the fact that you can spend so much time researching classes/skills only to find out that 60+ hours in said skill doesn’t function the way you thought it did or is broken and now you have no choice but to start over… games are supposed to be fun right? I realize I can buy a skill reset and I guess a stat reset with medals which I have to research more to figure out how hard that is to get exactly… but if I want to change my class because of a faulty skill or bug, I have to start all over… The game has many good things about it, it’s simple and fun… it could just be so much better… I don’t like all the free to play restrictions either but I am dealing with it because I like the game… however, if things never improve and/or we never receive any kind of “Hey ya’ll we know things ain’t perfect so give us some time and we’ll get there. Oh and here’s some free stuff for sticking with us and supporting us.” then I can’t say how long I’ll be playing. When a game company ignores their player base and doesn’t fix very important basic mechanics or at least provide reasons why things are the way they are, I’m left to wonder “Why do I play this game?”

From my perspective, when you start putting price tags on in-game content and want your player base to start forking over their hard earned cash; you better have delivered on your end. I’d rather pay for bug fixes than in-game content. How much TP for bug fix? Or a simple reply to a message or bug post?

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You have been for so long and don’t know? That is how IMC operates…

It’s supose to be this music?

  • ah! That’s the joke. I see
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a bit lower with the red dot

google search tends to gives ya results based to your occasional searches

Sorien’s actions and IMC reaction shows, IMC can fix things in iTOS.
Question is; why haven’t they done it yet?

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Oh I see!
Thank you.