Tree of Savior Forum

Sats for Cryo 3>Chrono 3?

I wanted to make a second character, and was thinking this looked like something that could be interesting to play around with.

That being said, I have no idea what to do with my stats on a character like this. Chrono stuff doesn’t scale off INT from my understanding?

So would I be better off putting things mostly into CON and SPR with these classes?

My gut feeling is the game will be very hard if I go CON:SPR 1:1 and ignore INT all together, unless I’m in a group. But that it would probably make me a better support in the long run.

Would it be worth the pain of leveling it that way? Or am I better off with something more like INT:CON 3:1?

From playing around with other classes, spreading points between more than two stats tends to be a bad idea, but with something like this maybe I should be going more INT:CON:SPR at a 1:1:1 or 1:2:2 or something?

Just very confused, any help would be great!

There’re gonna be many people who tell you SPR sucks and you need like maybe 20 points into it for a good mana pool, and spam potions. But SPR gives you more than just mana. It gives you resistances, I never get stunned by anything or frozen by anything, traps don’t work on me and I resist a lot of things, it’s your choice at the end of the day, I feel like CON is better than SPR hands down but SPR is not as useless as people give it credit for.

You should ignore INT all together, you won’t find much of a problem doing damage as a Cryo 3 honestly… Rank 15 Ice Pike is OP, along with attributes.

So maybe something more like 2:1 CON:SPR would be okay? I do keep hearing to just spam potions but that gets expensive very fast and they have kind of a long CD on them, so I kind of want to keep their use to a minimum except in like long drawn out fights.

Get int and con and some spr, not too much, you’ll be swimming in money late game so sp pots won’t cost much, with a 30 sec cd.
Spr doesn’t give you resistances, it gives you magic defense.

I’ve heard people say it’s so cheap now, and there’s also the fact that IMC just supplied us with a ■■■■ load of potions ATM, but there’s the cooldown which comes into factor. You don’t want to run out of mana so often it’s just tedious.

My Linker is a 1:2 CON SPR build with 13K HP ATM wearing full plate, I never die and never run out of mana, of’c I’m only in the level 170 range so maybe in the future things get tougher, but I don’t see myself dying in one hit to anything in appropriate level range.

I never run out of mana too, whenever I’m about to run out, it regens up by 300 suddenly.

Of’c the difference is, I’m a Linker which is fully support, while you have DPS spells, so maybe you don’t invest as heavily into SPR, I’m not entirely sure. But SPR is not useless.

For people who don’t play full supports that could be underwhelming watching everyone do cool moves while you just help them do more damage.
Also, you need to be in a group at all times for a full support.

That makes sense. And honestly I’m taking Cryo for the CC more than the damage to use as support. Freeze from all the spells and the taunt on the ice pillar is very nice from what I’ve seen some friends doing. I’ll probably do something like 2:1 CON SPR. Thank you for the replies!

Chrono is pretty much pure support, no attacks at all. Cryo just complements it well with it’s CC.

2:1 sounds good, and I believe it does give resistances, I don’t see it in the mechanics section of a guide, but I resist so many things while everyone else takes them almost always, and the only thing I have is SPR.

It depends what kind of full support you are. If you are a Linker 3, yes you’re gonna be so bored and sad and envious doing nothing. If you’re a Chrono 3 however, you have moves just as cool.

Yep yep! Chrono is just a different kind of support than linker.

Stop is by far one of the coolest in the support moves, I mean everyone has to watch it and the whole battlefield just becomes quiet. Of’c you don’t do it at a wrong time, people would most likely roll their eyes instead.