Tree of Savior Forum

Same cards work?

ok, 5, the first Templeshooter card go have 5% cause you have 5 cards, and the other four ? they will have no effect ?

well if they Myth… you can go 8% but really sux … i think its not 8x8… its only 8% and you will lose ALL your slot cards for this

I think it works like this

1 TS card and 5 other any cards equipped, i have 6 cards, TS card chance = 6%,
2 TS card and 4 other any cards equipped, 6 cards, TS card 1 6%, TS card 2 6%, = 12% chance
6 TS card equipped, 6 cards, 6% chance for each TS card = 36%

The % chance is = To the number of card you have.

If you have 5 card, you gona have 5% chance not 25% because the TOTAL bonus is = to the card numbers.
IT MAKE to not be OVERPOWER. But you don’t need to invest in them for it to be good that what make those card REALLY nice. Since they got their full power at lv 1.

yes, yes, but the other four cards are TS card, and they have the effect of silence = number of cards, not is one TS card that has 25%

is 5 TS card equiped, each have 5% cause all the 5 have the effect, not only one, 5 cards with 5% is ? 25%

That don’t work this way …
Like i said
the FINAL bonus you get from card
is = to the number of card NOT EACH CARD got this final bonus

BASICLY … 1 CARD = 1 % not 1% x Card number
You have 5 card you got 5% IN TOTAL !!! otherwise it would be OVERPOWER.

Rank 10 would mean having 100% chance to perma CC lock on fast multi hit spell.

it does not make sense, if I have 1 TS card and other 4 any cards, i have 1 TS + 4 any cards = 5 cards equipped, 5% right ?, ok, now we equip a 2nd TS card in place of one of these 4 any cards, i have 5 equipped cads, the 2nd TP card also has the effect, the 2 have the effect of [cards equipped]%, and i have 5 cards, 10% chance, 3 TS card and 2 any cards, the 3 TS card have the effect, i have 5 cards, 5% chance each, 15% chance, right?

not make sense I equip 5 TS card and each have 1%, I have 5 cards equipped, is 1% by each card equipped, is not only one TS card that has this effect, you are ignoring the fact that the other 4 TS card also have this effect, you are ignoring the effect of the other 4 TS card, all the 5 have the same effect !, 5+5+5+5+5 don’t is = 5 !, is 25% chance !

Ok i try to be clear…

The card effect is (Card number equiped of this card)
What they mean is… You get a % bonus = to the number of THIS card equiped.
But a total bonus of THIS EFFECT
They only say you can stack your card to get like 8% max (With R8 comming) and 10% max (With R10 supposly the futur limit)

THAT MEAN if you got 8 x (Card number equiped of this card)
YOU WON’T HAVE : 8 x 8 = 64% chance
YOU WILL HAVE 8 x 1 = 8% chance
( Each card give 1% NOT 1% x Card Equip )

Basicly it the SAME as saying this card give 1% chance to Proc is effect
and the card number is ONLY A WAY to mean it stackable.

I understand how you can think this work this way but it don’t, I think they only mean you can stack up the effect to get additional %. Not multilplicatif…

If you still don’t understand after that… It not because i haven’t been clear… It only because you won’t listend at this point.

total card mean per card 1 -% if 8card mean total 8% only dudeee

source(sleep card+skeletons)?

3rd hand information from a friend on mumble. I’d would double check it or google.

Maybe this source: Necro sorc's summons can stun with minotaur card ??

1 TS card and 5 another cards = 1% chance, [number of card]% is [number of THIS card]% no [number of ANY card]% ? that’s sure ?

and cards like this, “Physical Attack +[★]% for 10 seconds when using any type of SP Potion” ?

8 Glass Mole Card lvl10 = +80% physical attack ?

Yeah that’s normal. There is also Chap card for matk. It’s 4 seconds though not 10… The description is incorrect.

The duration of the buff can be extended by Krivis3’s Melstis. Making them some of the strongest buffers in the game.

Edit: I’ll also add that you can farm SP sticks from crystal mine tentacle looking things. It looks like bark or something you’ve probably gotten it while leveling characters it has a 15 sec CD (functions as a SP potion)so you can spam the effect more. Some classes with medium CDs that deal damage fast really benefit from those cards. Most DPSers use those though there are some other cards you can use like the Dex ones or whichever.

4 seconds is enough for Snipe and Headshot

I can use sp potion on PvP ?

Hi this means that every % is equal to 1 card of the same kind.

To give an example:

If you equip 1 Templeshooter Card (any level) then you get 1% silence chance.

To get the 2nd %, you have to equip another Templeshooter Card (IT CANNOT BE A DIFFERENT CARD). And so on.

So if you want to get 5% chance to silence an enemy per missile attack, you have to have 5pcs of Templeshooter Cards (plural) equipped to get it. You cannot mix and match cards as they do not stack like that (for the silence effect).

Let’s give an even better example.

Let’s say you have 3 Templeshooter Cards (Lv1) and 3 Nuaele Cards (Lv10) equipped. Then your character has a 3% chance to “Silence” an enemy every missile attack and you also gain 30% additional magic defense. They don’t affect each other, but they operate and apply their effects separately.

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What you have to remember is this. Unless they state that they themselves have tested and confirmed anything they say, they are talking out their *ss.

I planning to test this specific card mechanic with 2 tomb lord cards (still looking for some cheap offers though).

Hi, I understand your skepticism and we appreciate that in the forums. However, for the Templeshooter card (example above), it is written as such that it works as 1% per card of the same type (it only counts other Templeshooters you have).

I understand that English is probably not OP’s first language but the wording of the text as well as the possible implications of imbalance should it not work the way it’s described is logical.

This image shows a Lv1 Templeshooter Card and a Lv10 Werewolf Card. By the wording of the text on the Templeshooter card, it heavily implies (although it does not explicitly state so, this is very logical) that the # of Templeshooter cards you have equipped will equal 1% x N where N is the number of Templeshooter cards. Level is irrelevant. The Werewolf Card does not provide me any additional % chance to proc the Silence. This is in English.

I spoke out of logical sense and not out of my *ss.

PS: I wish there was a way to illustrate the % chance for it. But alas, nothing like that is built into the game. My QS procs it pretty often though since I spit out a lot of AAs in a short amount of time, enough for it to be useful even as a single card.

Sigh, here’s another “expert”. What is “logical” is irrelevant as IMC has established that they are unable to provide accurate text descriptions for ANYTHING. Unless you work for IMC and had a hand in developing this specific mechanic, anything “logical to you” is unproven/untested assumption.

OP uses the temple shooter card as it uses the mechanic “card count” and that’s probably a card he would want to specifically use. I use tomb lord as it uses the “same” mechanic “card count” except it is easier to measure since it deals in damage and not chance. 2 cards can give 2 possible outcomes: 2% more damage for having 2 cards or 4% more damage for 2 cards counting 2 cards. Even if I only do 1k damage, that is still a visible increase of 20 damage (2%) vs 40 damage (4%) for a difference of 20 damage.

Again, unless you (or anyone else for that matter) have tested and confirmed anything, do not “open your mouth” proclaiming something you just theorized as “fact”.

On the contrary, yours is the theory, mine is the logically derived conclusion until otherwise proven. My statement actually floats more than yours does.

PS: Why are you so angry? :thinking:

Good luck with your testing though. <— I genuinely meant this (not a mockery).

@Excrulon any chance you encountered the coding for this when you were working with cards?

theres no point in this thread, because almost every card in the game is mistranslated. even for their benefits. and its been months without a fix.

and dont get your hopes up either, some skills have been out for a year and they are still mistranslated