Tree of Savior Forum

Saint Oath Vs Overload

I’m indecisive what to pick
Saint Oath looks weak agaist Overload.

Saint Oath just increase in basic attack factor by 400% or 800% when you active binatio

but Overload give to you + 120% dmg, in my calculate is aspergillum 925%*120% and binatio 1176%*120% Am I right about the calc?

or Saint Oath multiply all your SFR from AA? like Binatio and Aspergillum in 400%?
the item descriptions are a little confusing …

Saint Oath desc.

[Saint Oath] - Increases Basic Attack Damage by [number of equipping parts * Number of Saint Oath stacks * 20]%

Sacred shuttle desc.

Increase in basic attack factor by 1% of extra damage value during Binatio buff.

overload has 30 sec duration and 50sec CD, which means 20second down time

I can’t confirm this, but I heard Saith Oath onlt affects the first line and Overlord only work on attack skills. So, with the new Binatio, Saint Oath only affects Binatio and Overlord don’t affect Basic Attack.

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