Tree of Savior Forum

Sage: Best synergy

Hi saviors, I’m returning to the game, and I only have played Beta ToS.
Now I’m trying to create a great Sage, with the intention of being most a solo character (don’t know if is possible for a Sage). I have spent many time on forums reading about the class, and builds for him, but I don’t make a clearly conclusion, on truth, I’m more confused now than before start search.
So, I’m inclined to pick some classes before Sage, and I want to know wich of them can synergise better with Sage, and how many ranks are needed to make them useful. The classes are: Chrono, Wizard (thinking on 3rd rank), Warlock, Elementalist, Psychokino, and less interested on Linker and Rune Caster.
With there are other classes that are very important for a better Sage, I’m open to pick them, but only if is to much necessary for a very good Sage.

Thanks in advance

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The only class having synergy with sage I know is pyro
I’m currently rolling pyro2-linker-psycho3 and my next rank will be sage. I was hoping to fulfill roles of dd and cc in gvg but it’s pain. Pyro isn’t really suited for gvg or 5v5 tbl because of r7.
I would suggest pyro2-linker-chrono3-sage if you are interested in chrono. Psycho isn’t really needed for pve. Meme cryo3-chrono3 cannot solo and usually is a burden to a party (I mean it, their cc is more annoying than helpful and the only class actually benefitting from it is sorcerer). Pyro is best for solo play but can be hard when partied with dumb swordsmans.

Thanks you two for the informations. But, before keep doing my Sage, I need to solve a feel more doubts. Rank 3 Wizard have some good skills, or at least I remember that it was good skills. Quick Cast, with less 50% cooldown, more 50% damage, and Superspell with the no interruption of conjurations, are not enough to make worth going Rank 3 Wizard?

Quickcast isnt 50% less cooldown, it is 50% castime. Only a few skill have long castime… Particularly very useful for Elementalists, Rune Casters and Necros.
Surespell will still get you interrupted when CCed. (Cray Golem’s attack, Frozen, Lacrymator Smoke, Sleep, Stun, etc)

Yeah, but doesn’t have a att which gives 50% more magical damage?

It depends on which classes will provide you attacking skills.
Even though sage is supposed to be a DD class it doesn’t have attack skills (ask mr Kim why). Well technically you can damage with ultimate/micro dimension but the output is super low.
Quick cast’s 50% extra damage attribute applies on the same level as agny necklace or element allegiance (i think so). For most classes it will provide extra 50% damage, but for pyro it will be added to agny’s bonus. For example, with agny necklase fireball deals 380% damage which turn 430% with quick cast’s attribute applied. It’s not that much so normally people pick something else for pyro. But elementalist and warlock benefit much more from it and wiz3 considered mandatory for this classes.
Surespell is useful for classes with channeled (psycho) or charged (elementalist, runecaster) skills. Recently kTOS received an update which introduced attributes for psycho which make his channeled skills uninterruptable (for the cost of double sp consumption), and runecaster skills’ charge time was halved, so surespell is a gimmick now. It doesn’t even help against knockdown.

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Right. And to keep organazing my thoughts, what to say about:


And, if Sage doesn’t have properly damage guide skills, wich other classes can be put with him (to bring damage to the character) without thinking take Pyro? Warlock? Elementalist? Rune Caster? Another one?

Sage can

  1. Duplicate installations
  2. Make magic circles larger
  3. Block missile damage and magic projectiles
  4. Open warp portals
    From the entire wiz tree the only skills I know can be duplicated are fireballs and ice pillar (possibly dirty pole). It works very well with fireballs. You can also enlarge your fire pillar.
    Also note that duplicating other player’s installations works weird (for example, if you duplicate diev’s owl statue it will deal 1 damage, didn’t test with fireballs spawned by other players though)
    You can also pick wiz3-ele3-runecaster for damage. Warlock isn’t worth it on c1.

There are also 2 more dd classes I forgot to mention. Sorcerer and necromancer. If you want to rely on necro’s damage you need to go c3 (which means no sage). Sorcerer is kinda tricky and in terms of damage is inferior to other classes. But if we get updates from kTOS it will become quite good in some situations if you build it properly (please note we still miss updates from kTOS so sorcerer summon’s damage doesn’t scale with your magic attack).
This is example build assuming you use templeshooter as your minion. It deals missile damage which is dobuled by decay debuff from necro’s dirty pole and shoggoth.
Example video (don’t get too hyped, videos from kTOS/jTOS are always like that because people use lv10 transcedent gear. Also note difficult setup and cooldowns)

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First of all I want to thanks a lot for your words. Now things are very clear on my mind. Probably I will made my path on the RC, one class that I already liked. But, if isn’t to much trouble for you, could have I read your thoughts about some support builds for wizards? I loved the creativite on classes like Thau, Linker and Chrono.

Thanks so much in advance.

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chrono haste and pass are absolutely wonderful

I presumed that. Support path for Wizard characters are awesome, and in this game it seems like to work.

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Ok… There quite alot of misinformation here.

Duplicate work kind of wierd depeding on what spell you do it.

-First of all… Spell changing attribut won’t be applied to duplicate from other player (As a pyro/sage i’m not sure about your own duplicate)
-Cryo Ice tree duplicate will be lv 1
-Fireball are the same lv as the original one.
-Duplicate owl (unless it change recently) will do the exact same damage as original
-Sorcerer bat can be copied and each copy make a whole new batch of bat but those bat are fake (they can get hit but won’t do any damage only use is for lagg/ visual smoke screen and tanking aoe ratio spell they will also die once the original copied bat die)
-Duplicate work on 2 target/cast and copy appear towar the caster/portal but sometime might appear wierdly.
-Icewall can be copy for 2 tile/cast
-Dirty pole and akuras torch can be copied infinitly (copy the copy)

-The aoe increase is quite small
-The aoe increase can be stack infinitly making the spell BIGGER and BIGGER now find a use of it o-o ?.

I’m currently rolling pyro2-linker-psycho3 and my next rank will be sage. I was hoping to fulfill roles of dd and cc in gvg but it’s pain. Pyro isn’t really suited for gvg or 5v5 tbl because of r7.

There was someone with this exact same build in Tbl 5v5 he was rank7 from last week… It take some practice/luck and stuff. If you can’t kill somone because he stack magic resit then make sure some Physical dps can kill it for you that why kino is strong in TBL and pyro can clear up most of the time even the tankiest since agny come out as long they haven’t stack tons of magic resit + nueala and take 1 damage.

Like a month ago it did 1s on Fedimian. It may be fedimian specific bug or they actually fixed it.

r7 = revenged sevenfold
If you cast fireball you are dead. It’s a matter of time. As soon as enemy kabbalist find it he will simply cast r7 and walk through it.

That the luck part about what other get and also many Immunity buff counter it.
Kino is still strong in this mode and hard to counter, there like thaum that can reverse it but they are REALLY rare.
Also once you know there a kabba on the other side… don’t just fireball randomly if you have no immunity buff that the skill/practice part. (It not because you can… that you should.)

just tested Micro + Pole

this could be really op against bosses

pyro3 have huge synergy with link3 and sage pull pyro3 power spike

as you know turn2 fire ball in to4 isn’t just doubled fire ball damage
it does more than when you link those 4 fire ball to your target

chrono3 also synergy with sage in another way
you can use pass resetting missile hole and blink cooldown
cryo3chrono3sage is amazing support

Thanks a lot guys. I have made a decision to wait more ranks for Sage. For now, I will go with some supportive Wizard class. I pass much time reading builds on ToS fan base and ToS Database. Both sites are good to that?

Eh what do you gain from multiple dirty poles?

Also sorry for hijacking the thread, but I found something interesting

Isn’t the distance shards travel a bit too high? I don’t have such radius on my pyrokino. The caption says it’s fireball+dirty pole+fire property: explosion combo. Can this be hidden mechanic with explosion attribute?

Edit: nvm, looks like I never realized the real distance was much higher than what I usually see in battles because of graphics tweaks.

Arent bosses immune to decay?

@jabo_nogaems @CadmusBeoulv

It’s not for Decay, but for hit multiplier with Links. From a soloist point of view, linked poles + boss with a Flesh Cannon is not going to be as strong as linking Fireballs. But if you look at it as a way to multiply another strong skill’s damage, it can be really good.

E.g. 6-hit Dethrone

You can do it with Fireballs as well, but Fireballs get pushed around and star disappearing when they touch/hit something. Dirty Pole is pure duration based