Tree of Savior Forum

Sadhus Possession skill: how to make it more useful after the buff

Currently, ITOS has just recieved the buff in the maximum target number of Sadhus “Possession” skill.
However, the problem is that the buff in target numbers is potentially useless.
There are several issues of the skill itself to have it potentially make use of the increement:

  • the skills AoE is too small for so many targets to get caught up in it
  • the skill is immovable once casted, so it cannot be adjusted to catch more enemies
  • the maximum number of simultaneously aggressive targets towards players is capped way below 14 targets inside[7-8 monsters] and outside[5 monsters] of dungeons; this makes it impossible for any Cleric combination to make full use of the skill as it stands now, as only Peltasta can taunt enemies with “Swash Buckling” beyond the limit
  • the mob density on one screen is mostly way lower than featuring 14+ monsters that could be targeted/killed by this skill

To fix this, there are many possibilities, but the most appealing one would be to give the skill its own taunt-mechanic that “possesses” enemies (number possessed identical to maximum target number) and make them move into the AoE by themselves. This would do the skill great justice and make it more possession-like[currently it’s more like hyper-gravity force].

Another possibility would be to make the skills AoE non-fixed, but moveable around the map during channeling, collecting monsters in it while moving (similar to Cryomancers “Snow Rolling”). This would make the skill very unique and useful, and any Cleric could use it to its full potential even without having a Peltasta in his team 24/7 ingame.

This one could also be achieved by giving the skill two properties:
The skills AoE is locked onto the position of your astral body
if used while “Out of Body” is active. The skill turns from channeling to non-channeling to allow the astral body to move, and during the astral bodies movement, the AoE will collect and disable the monsters it runs towards according to the skills original AoE.
If cast without Out of Body-status, the skill stays the same as the current version.

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That also is limited, i tested 2 days ago, I use SB and taunt around 8-10 monsters, even tho the taunt worked on more 7, they don’t come until some of the taunted mob die.

The adjustment made was to take into consideration party play, it actually work like that for anything in ToS, the issue is, people tend to solo since stuff is easy, to do so, and the hard content is not so hard in a group.

Also, in a group, you will need the most of mobility you can get, Sadhu possession unfortunately don’t provide that.

An improvement for Possession would be to work like Bwa Kaiyman from Bokor, you cast and hold the key to keep channeling while you can move around, also, the AoE radius should be around the char, not in front of it.

That way it would make the class more mobile.

The way it is now is because when we started, all the spawns where fast like they are in the starting areas, now we are forced to move around to find spawn areas.

All that as a measure anti-bot, which didn’t work, and it became anti-players.

If the spawn today was to be like in the beginning, you would see at least 5 parties doing Alemeth in a single ch.

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The adjustment for Sadhu skills was recent, though (also in KTOS), so I don’t believe increasing the maximum target limit did add very much to the skill, especially if there’s only one Taunt ingame and people surely won’t take 3 swordies in their party just to ensure having enough monsters for a 10 second Possession every 20 seconds. They could also just drop the CD time to 10 seconds[for PvE only], similar to Bokors Bwa Kayiman, so that channeling time = cooldown time[maybe add an attribute that halves damage and halves CD time when activated].

I still think the Out of Body idea would be splendid, as when we westerners think about possession, we think about demons and ghosts possessing the body of people/animals/things, not about restrictions of body/vital functions, which would reflect the aspect of actually getting “possessed” [by the Sadhus Astral Body] and make Out of Body more useful.

The name is a lie :yum:

when I first read the name possession I though you would take over an enemy and stop it while causing it dmg…

you know what the description say…

I wanted something like a psycho telekinesis but multiple enemies at a time and without been able to move them…

but all I got was a baby barrier that did the same as cure and actually ground me D:

and you can move and use other skills when you use cure :expressionless:

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