Tree of Savior Forum

Sadhu: Out of Body and Astral Body Explosion - Animation Issues

Out of Body: the skill animation throwing the spirit away of the body is pretty terrible, making you wasting too much time to reposition yourself to the enemy location. Using this skill is already harsh with the current latency issues and the small hitbox, so giving more control on the cast animation should be the first thing to improve this skill.

My suggestion is making it possible to cancel the thrust in case the player move in the middle of the animation and gain control of the spirit before the animation ends. Another option would be throwing the body backwards and keep the spirit at the casting location, but I would rather see my first suggestion or something like that.

Astral Body Explosion: the only problem is that the cast animation is too long and unpredictable. Sometimes I get stuck for 2 or 3 seconds before the skill works and damage the enemies.

Not sure if this skill should deal instant damage upon pressing the key, but this skill already has a condition to be used (spirit form), so this long stuck on casting animation with the initial condition makes this skill really forgettable on most situations.

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I’m also having this issues, and another problem with the “player gets stuck after AEB” bug that some people had a while ago.

I got this bug once in a mission as well.

Another thing that compromises OoB is the latency. It looks like the skills are server side, or partially need confirmation from the server.

It’s really bad, because Out of Body and other kind of auto attack animations (Chaplain, Quarrel Shooter C3,…), may vary its speed according to the latency. Not only that, but moving while in Spirit Form or casting any other skill have a little stuck time with higher latency.

Animations should be client side and only the damage server side. Doesn’t make much sense and is terrible for gameplay.

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