Tree of Savior Forum

Sacrament - Holy Property Question

Some prefacing before people yell at me: I’ve tried gathering up as much information from multiple sources already, as well as these forums. Also, I have not played ToS at all. Just theorycrafting at 3 in the morning like any proper person.

Alright, so I’m aware that Sacrament gives an additional damage tick, plus two additional holy property damages to both your normal attack and the additional damage tick.

My question is this:

Blessing excluded, do the two holy property damages get doubled (via the 200% against Dark property mobs) or does your actual, normal weapon damage get doubled (via the same mechanic, by being “bestowed” holy property)?

Let’s rephrase: Blessing excluded, is the damage-doubling versus Dark property very minimal (a total of only 80 extra damage at lvl 10 from the two, 40 damage holy property attacks) because only Sacrament’s portion is affected, or is it substantial because it actually affects your entire weapon damage?

I’m just wondering if leaving Sacrament at 1 is viable because I thought perhaps, it allows weapon damage to scale nicely (versus Dark) as opposed to hiking it up to 10 and getting disappointed at its flat and seemingly lackluster damage scaling?

Does that make sense? Please don’t sue me.

TL;DR - Is leaving Sacrament at level 1 okay already because it helps your party versus dark property mobs? Am I delusional for even thinking of such blasphemous things? Is there any benefit from leveling it up aside from the flat damage scaling? Does the holy damage vs. dark mobs scale waaaaay higher with sacrament at level 10? Do I deserve to be sued?

sacrament gives you and your party holy weapon and additional dmg , scaled and increasing by skilllvl.

the dark property resistance is scaled by attribute lvl, NOT skill lvl.
so its possible to do sacrament lvl1, but attribute lvl 5 to have max dark resistant.

so if you are asking if the dmg of scrament from lvl1 ( +24 ) to lvl10 ( +80 ) is worth it:
if you can effort it, yes do it , your party dps clses will love it.
but beside that dmg scales, and the duration, there are no other benefits from it yea.

@JuicYKitteN I don’t think that’s what @Umbra meant.

@Umbra, as far as mined data concerned, this thread lists most of the skill that scales with stat. Also, I’m pretty sure the damage from Sacrament does another damage number to your enemies (Means separated calculation, and thus your damage won’t be doubled against dark-property enemies).

However, 1 question remains: Does Sacrament scales with stats? No one knows it yet.

Most, if not all, buffs that have flat skill scaling also have flat stat scaling. I hope IMC does this to all skills that does flat scaling (and if they already did it but we haven’t discovered it yet, then we better discover it soon!)

ah ok now i get it what he means ^^ thx

Sorry. I finished typing stuff and I realized it was that exactly – just stuff. I wish it made more sense ): Thanks for trying to wrap your brain around it though!

Thanks. I was really hoping that it wasn’t just the separate numbers getting doubled in damage vs dark-property mobs. That looks to be some really tiny extra damage at high levels.

Here’s hoping that they don’t keep us guessing for long.

iCBT2 is just around the corner of the calendar. So that’s a good time to test out things and also give feedback to IMC on how to improve the skills that you feel lackluster among the countless bugs and translations errors that we’re going to submit of course.

Don’t hesitate to say what skills that needs to be improved (or nerfed), along with some proofs. Most korean testers did this, and their feedbacks already change some classes completely (Looking at you, Barbarian). Of course, they also suggested what parts that need to be improved (or nerfed) on which skill, that will give the skill in question to be more considered by IMC.

It scales with +holy atk stat that certain equips give.

@Umbra, +elemental damage makes your whole attack that element. There is a holy monster on Tenet Chapel that you will do minimal damage if your Sacrament is active.


Awesome. Does that mean that there’s viability in just leaving Sacrament at 1 – that is, just to have the extra damage that synergizes with blessing and for when one’s fighting dark-property mobs?

Idk if Blessing bonus damage also becomes Holy, but yeah, would procc it twice anyways.

I guess so, if you want to level other skills instead.

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I was planning on just putting 15 points into Aspersion. Unless it’s not worth it. That 48% phys def buff sounded tasty. Unless phys def doesn’t scale as good versus phys damage scaling.