Tree of Savior Forum

[SA]Silute - Stuck on tenet church 1f help

Server : [SA]Sillute
Team :Baloth
Map : Tenet Church 1f
Same here

Got this same issue.

Server: [SA] Silute
Team Name: Raffin
Character: Lucian
Map: Tenet Church 1F
Starting City: Klaipeda

I have two characters stuck on this map :sob:

More one for the group :frowning:
server: [SA] Silute
Character : Lancelote
Map : Tenet Church 1F
Group : Zhaut
Starting City: Klaipeda

Tenet Church 1F or more comon calling as black hole of characters rip
plx I want my character back :’(

same here
Server name : SA Silute
Team name : CL-game
Char name : Rauuuzeer-C
Starting city: Orsha

Preso em Church F1

  1. Server: [SA] Silute
  2. Nome da Equipa: Jubinei
  3. Char Nome: Jubinei / Juninho
  4. Cidade Inicial: Klaipeda

Map : Tenet Church 1F

  1. Server: [SA] Silute
  2. Team Name: Kouzy
  3. Char Name: Apo
  4. Cidade Inicial: Klaipeda

It was solved, but I still got DC whenever I change maps.

If you still bugged on the map use the program “WTFast” this help me all the time!