Tree of Savior Forum

[SA]Silute - Stuck on tenet church 1f help

Server : [SA]Sillute
Person : DragoonKnight
Map : Tenet Church 1f


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Me too

Server: [SA] Sillute
F - Bito
N’S - Shogun, KnightHart
Map: Tenet Church 1F :rage:

Server: [SA] Silute
Character: Marimo
Map: Tenet Church 1F

All channels aren’t working.

Eu Tambem estou bugado!!

Team Name:RafaelSS
Mapa:Tenet Igreja 1F

Todos canais
Como fizeram a manutenção e o problema ainda não foi resolvido!!!

Server: [SA] Silute
Character: Lipito
Map: Tenet Church 1F
Team Name:Hrym

All channels aren’t working.

Server: [SA] Silute
Character: Boltzmann
Map: Tenet Church 1F
Team Name:Bremm

Desde ontem trancado…

Server: [SA] Silute
Character: Hawk
Tenet Church 1F
Team Name: The-Alchemyst

Desde ontem trancado…

Server:[SA] Silute
Character : Victor
Map :Tenet Church 1F
Team Name: Candi

Todos os canais logar.

Server: SA Silute
Character: Rabello
Map: Tenet church 1 F
All channels aren’t working.

Servidor: [SA]Silute
Character: Elrond
Team Name: DestroyerDD
Mapa: Tenet Igreja 1F

Server: [SA] Silute
Character: Miluna
Map: Tenet Church 1F
Team Name: Agariba

Well, we will never be able to play at all

I thought I was the only one with this issue, I’m stuck in this map since yesterday.

Same Here

[SA] Silute
Char: Chokotto
Map: Tenet Church F1

and I Not receive the “compensation”

Server: [SA] Silute
Character: Caiio
Team Name: Zanini

Map: Tenet Church F1

It’s really breaking the game and IMC reputation =/

Server: [SA] Silute
Character: Ranger, Walita
Team Name: Arface
Map: Tenet Church F1

I have two different characters stuck in there since EVER. The best part being me creating the second character to play because the first one was stuck in this map.

Same here, Tenet Church 1F is bugged AF

Server: [SA] Silute
Team Name: Wiqtor
Character: Arrowzinha
Map: Tenet Church 1F, claro.

And after the 2nd “maintenance” still all 7 channels down at this map…

Server: [SA] Silute
Team: SFrame
Character: EndevouR
Map: Tenet Church 1F.

Same here Tenet Church 1F -_-

Server: [SA] Silute
Team Name: Bito
Character: Shogun
Character: KnightHart
Map: Tenet Church 1F

:rage: :rage:

Same here

Server: Silute
Team name: Aralia
Character: Ayvres