Tree of Savior Forum

[SA] Lag Glitch

This could be funny if the game was actually playable.

The lag wasn’t allowing skills and when it did it took almost an entire minute to cast, not kidding, after spam my keys nothing happens and out of nowhere after a minute… skills… skills everywhere… and and no reason to use it.

also LOL check this out…

The quest from Royal Mausoleum (4th floor i think) went from 2 to freaking 10 minutes and NO it didn’t ended after 2 minutes, it went all way to the countdown end.

Most of the maps are just unplayable, lag everywhere even with low ping. NPCs won’t react to clicks and when they do most of times thats it, they wont start any script, Wings of Vibora don’t give rewards, Collections can’t be added, Teleports takes forever to actually trigger the script function, quests requires a lot of patience and several tries to get or hand over.

The only solution i found, and doesn’t works every time is relog, advance one step, relog again and repeat. Not even switch channels helps.

In resume, [SA] Silute Server is garbage and should never been released. Not counting that the game itself have tons of issues so split the community and specially open f2p like this was a big mistake.

Players who are here for the f2p can’t actually enjoy anything since the servers keep refusing connection or the channels are going down that often without have anybody to watch and who actually paid is just wasting their DLCs.

There’s no GMs online, theres no Admins watching anything about the servers and even the website and forum have issues to load.

Just to don’t lose the joke… the company should change name, instead IMC it should be called IDC (I DON’T CARE)