Tree of Savior Forum

[SA] Known Issues: May 31, 2018

We will be addressing recent lag issues in [SA] Silute during the maintenance of June 5! Click here to read the announcement.

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It could be useful to do it on every server.
Doing a challenge CM7 on the same area in Fedimian EU is nearly impossible because of game freezes and huge lags.

It’s not only on Silute! We had the same lag issues on Klaipeda last night.


I blame half of it on my internet, but is super weird that I can do crazy Challenge mode with 100 mobs and skills on screen like nothing…

But then go to a random almost empty map or dungeon and freeze every time I try to use skills or lag a lot :expressionless:

Are CM run by different server :confused:

You gotta be kidding me. You have no shame, IMC. When are you going to take any action against the freezing problem happening in all maps and channels? Is this another “recently reported” issue too?

Thanks for the constant self-sabotaging quality service!


This is happening since way before this patch so I’m not sure the new content is the source of this in any way.

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hahaha you can only be playing with us, what an administration this is! Even TIBIA OT has more competent people.


Server problem since the wizard upgrade.

  • Freezy
    *Much lag
    *Bug guild tower

Please help our tree, end these problems is just what we ask please.

more than 2 months and we did not get any solution just incompetence over and over

I told myself a long time ago that I would not charge money again in tree of savior unless the servers improved … it’s already been 1 year and everything is worse.



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This problem is certainly about server capacity.
I just dont know why IMC wait the next week patch to try fix it (and probably will not work), instead of making an urgent maintenance. Looks like they waiting players quit again.
Good job again IMC. :tired:


@STAFF_Letitia as you have been more active towards this situation, I will summon you here :3

Yes, since the last maintenance we are also suffering from lag issues (what seems to be happening on all servers, as some Klaipeda players are reporting on some other threads). But the problem here is another, it is what we are calling “freezes”, that is different from a general lag issue.

Not sure who read support tickets, but I wanna paste the one I just sent down here, so you can read it too, and also players from other servers can check what we are talking about:

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@STAFF_Letitia as pretty much all the videos show these freezes happening in Sausys Room maps, here is one showing it happening at the Rainbow Trek event map.

Brazil - shouthern region (Porto Alegre) - 5MB connection

Please don’t judge my jump skills at the end =.=

Thank you so much for all the information you’ve provided for us!
As you mentioned, after the 5/29 maintenance there was an increase in lag issues in Silute, correct?
Was this the same time that the freezing occurred (and i watched your videos but I just want to confirm that the game freezes for a few seconds before starting up again)?

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yes, sometimes it kicks me out of the server.

usually freezes for 10 seconds then return Letitia

Let’s separate both issues, lag and freeze


Yes. First weekend including friday (June 01 to 03) it started, then you patched at maintenance of June 05, it was OK until this weekend, when everything started to get worse again. As an usual lag issue, there is no particular map, but crowded areas are always worse, maybe due to the amount of actions being processed.


It started way before. First reports were when the big wizard rework patch came out, at the beginning of april if I’m not mistaken. For any other information, you can check the last freeze report that I did, where I summarized all the reports that I did and all the information I could get from them. Please take your time and read it, you can follow the links there:

If you want the short, fast list of what is considered a freeze, here it is (grabbed from the link above):

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