Tree of Savior Forum

Running Shot (in-depth Guide and Understanding)

Would be easy to test, but I don’t see many QS/Rogues around, which is probably why you haven’t found your answer.

It’s hard to find QS + Rouge around as they take alot of circles up and it is mostly hakka style orientated build for now.

Mostly considered Rouge + Ranger due to feint barrage combos for (Non Mount classes) since feint will dismount you and a pain.

There aren’t really alot of QS hakka around so pretty much. Just not a popular choice throughout so there will be little information. Unless one who played it can give some insights.

He prolly might have meant that if you are taking QS3 only for Running shot instead of using the utilities that you gain from just QS3 alone
( pavise, caltrops, rapid fire (minus crit resist), stone shot stun, tear down)

The future seems dark as it is uncertain that Running shot will be
"viable in higher casting circles"
It might be wasted in this case, but it isn’t bad as it got you to where you are now.

The damage of RS is determinante by the amount of atack power*lvl of the spell like 320% plus the atack speed (30%) on lvl 8 (grand cross + runing shot gem) with 1500 of damage u can get over 4500 of dps
SR skill amage only do a base damage plus u atack power ( 2800+ 1500 for asaut lvl 5 with the same damage) and also u an get the buff of RS up 90% of th e CD time But the SR skill only work for 17% of the total CD time thats mean u can get a better dps for single target with runing shot and Will be better when more atack dmg u get

Running Shot VS Retreat Shot VS Assault fire

The key comparison here is actually AOE, Hits per second and All of this requires you to activate the condition while on Buff.

Single target buff AA : 15/16 target : 5/6

Please do remember. Retreat shot can go up to 60k per hit. 2 hits per second at max

Assault fire is missing his attributes to be added later any way. atm capping around 35-40k per hit.

ping reliant RS 3 hits per second single target.

With a chrono on a party composition

Retreat shot Rotation has nearly 0 down time anyway.
The only awkward issue is you have to move in the opposite direction.

RS do have a single target cap issue. Though this can be fix with link but not extremely practical in all situation there will be a little time down later for linking.

Also if you do math it out it’s extremely tough for A RS with 400% with MGC to hit even 50k ( 40k is the benefit of doubt).

It’s not about the DPS here any more anyway. It’s about the cycle of skills.

Fitting into the composition versus future “questions?”.
Pretty much is to bring awareness as a bait post to tell you that RS Might be falling off in future as a cast orientated circle?

QS itself is still decent anyway. Over reliant on Running shot is a nono. Unless you have stand alone circles that allow you to AA in between to channel down time.

Retreat shot hits 3 times / second without quicken… But where the hell did you take those obscene numbers? O_O Lethargy no longer works, so the only thing that pops to mind is decay + butt stroke, but most people don’t play necro or ff and it doesn’t work on bosses; and you usually don’t have a musket slave to debuffs mobs. It’s not an Aoe debuff either

550% aspna on glass moles with 80% at Solmiki

Aspna 150% hits at 29k- 29.9k per hit with GM proc

er i took it without quicken it’s fine on that scale.

P.S dopple potential at cap is 100k on GM / 60k on average for a cyclone per hit.

Not surprise. ELE locks hit about 20-30k at cap too

enjoy the potential of SR.

Yeah, sure… I’ll let you do the research for the mats needed for the recipe. I’ve done it, and I can tell you. Aspna is not something you should casually aim for xD

i know.

But that’s the end potential you can’t deny it. same goes with astral bow and the stupid yellow caros Lol.

This is what we are looking at when we have solmiki i guess we can work towards that.

Anyway with the amount of “floating silver” soon to be circulate around. + the possibility of the broken cube. I can’t hardly say this is casual where it can be just multiple swipes (which is done in seconds). There is already a few 550% purples around so… lol.

on that case u can deal over 100k wit runing shot. auto atack and twice vs fliying mobs

With a 2h BOW but that means your damage from MGC/Extra skill level missing. might hit nearly 75k? Still a single target potential but that’s about it.

Any way this is benefit of the doubt. Can’t really count exact details as i don’t have a 550% bow + total PD calcuation.

So it will drop alot.
Swapping does screw up RS skill level. The only one that retain was timing. Not sure if it was fix.

what mean ? i dont know but when u use the buff u can change weapon an keep que lvl 8 buff and get 320% of damage

when you weapon swap RS is notorious for losing level 8 buff and it will be cap at level 5 buff. It was a known issue since last time. Especially this occur to weapon that does not Add QS skill or RS

The only one that retain is the timer.

Yup tested it. It is still the same lol.

You can test it out.

The calculation is simple.

if crit
(Basic attack range * 1.5 + crit attack ) * (Running shot %) + (Basic attack range * 1.5 + crit attack)

if no crit = (Basic attack range * (Running shot %)) + (Basic attack range)

Both swap or no swap leads to me the same damage range. 30 shots on hanaming.

i dont see somuch diference bettwen use or not bot (with the same atck damage but i dont have an runing shot gem whatever if only work well vs flying mobs and will do over 480% of damage per hit… still been a loot

and if u want mesure the damage with party buff. its better begin with the own build buffs. i dont know all about sr but i see the most popular build is ranger sr3 to burst with steady aim. an get 20% plus damage.

may ve the most similar combo with another class could be the hakapell chavalry charge who makes more vulnerable the enemy to critical atacks (may ve twice the damage like clave do with slash atacks)

another popular build now is qs3 with falconer 3 tis build makes the runing shot more usefull than every others sr skill, give morwe damage with the blits atacks of the falcon and make the basic damage deal an aoe like the SR shots

tis tread was become a Runing shot vs SR 3 skills and dont care waht u say about the total damage the mechanic of runing shot makes more usefull with some builds (wugushi 3, falconer3, zapper) just cos is a buff no an skill and makes u basics atacks a kind of main damage skill
the only true in tis post is quarrel shoter 3 dont work with SR just cos SR have somuchs skills and u never can use runing shot bettwen the rotation

So this also confirms that for optimal RS damage, full STR, red Gems on both hands + p.attack headgear is the way to go right?

As far as ive noticed elemntal dmg isnt multiplied so that would Turn into a secondary stat, same as crít and crít atk.

Am i seeing it right?

if u want focus on the runing shot damage is rigth. may be not red gems on the main weapon. bu get tons of p.atack power is the better option

How about the easy 3 lines of elemntal dmg?
Bases on that formula, the good old cafrisun and elemntal combo stays relevantes only early on…

Even at endgame if u manage to get the manhas set wont be relevantes, since u are always capped on how much elemntal dmg u can get, not to mention how hard would be to roll 3headgears with p.attack and 2elementals or even 3 elementals.

Hmmm I wonder how much QS3Falcon3(After new KR patch) can do.

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Can u show me the link plz? Havent decided btw wush or falc yet :stuck_out_tongue: