Tree of Savior Forum

Rune Caster: Skilled Casting

I’m not 100% sure of what this does. It has synergy with Quick Cast, but wth is “quick cast effect”? IIRC the only effect Quick Cast gives is faster casting, so this is pointless if you already have the buff applied… Unless you don’t have Quick Cast learned, in which case the skill applies this “quick cast effect” as if you had learned Quick Cast at level 1. Not even sure for that…

Pretty much that. Useless if you have level 5 quick cast already and useless if you don’t have quick cast since you only get level 1 which is 10% reduction on 2 second cast time runes, i don’t think 0,2s reduction would be noticeable.

What it does is % chance of applying Quick cast buff after casting a rune spell. If quick cast has been learnt it applies max level, if not, level 1.

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