Tree of Savior Forum

Rune caster questions

Quick questions on Runecaster:

  • Can I have all runes active at the same time ?
  • Rune of giants works on the caster ?
  • Elementalist skills benefit from runes of ice ?
  • What are popular builds for rune caster ?


I am not a runecaster (yet) but I think I can answer all of these questions. I will answer based on what I’ve read so far in forums, videos & Reddit.

  • active runes
    I think if you’re talking about Algiz (Protection), Isa (Ice) and Thurisaz (Giants) then yes, you can probably have all three active, provided you don’t step on the Thurisaz tile before casting the other two runes.

  • Giant rune
    After casting Thurisaz successfully, a ground tile will appear. It seems to me that any ally including yourself can step on it, become larger and use up the tile. Do take note that based on all videos I’ve seen utilizing this, the wizard cannot cast any of its spells.

  • Elementalist synergy
    I read in some threads here that only Freezing Sphere benefits from Isa. Both Hail and Frost Cloud do not gain the 300% damage increase because those spells are deployment spells.

  • Known Builds
    I cannot be so sure here (not yet RC), but here are builds I’ve seen noting its power:

wiz1cryo2kino3rc - utilizing isa, ice wall & psychic pressure combo while having CC from the kino tree. Take not that runes will be 8 seconds long

wiz3cryo3rc - utilizing the full ice tree that Isa can boost (except Frost Pillar if I’m not mistaken since it is also considered a deployment spell.)

wiz2cryokino3rc - modified of first build where surespell will ensure that you will be able to hold psychic pressure longer.

wiz1cryo3kino3rc - a rank8 build where I think those with cryo2 are going to build to utilize the CC capabilities of both cryo and kino while also having rune of ice.

Just take note that while casting runes, you’ll be in a stationary position and will normally take 8 seconds to fully cast 1 rune (being very suceptible to normal attacks, knockback and/or knockup cancels cast time.) This can be hastened with wiz3’s Quickcast 5 (50% reduced casting time) or RC’s attribute Skilled Casting [10%~50% reduced casting time depending on level of Quickcast (at lvl 0 Quickcast, it will cast lvl 1 Quickcast) and 1%~50% chance of autocasting this Quickcast depending on attribute mastery - 50 levels total.]

Thanks bro very helpfull