Tree of Savior Forum

Rune Caster quest

Alright. I don’t know if this has been brought up before, or if i’m the only one who thinks this is a big issue, but in the Korean version of Tree of Savior, the spawn rate for the ‘Rune of Thurisaz’ otherwise known in english as the rune of giants, is on a 1-2 hour respawn timer. meanwhile the International Tree of Savior’s version of this rune is on a TWENTY FOUR hour timer, and will despawn if you don’t get to it in time. so you have to potentially wait multiple days just because you either:
a) didn’t get there in time
or b) the rune spawned while you had to take a bathroom break or other life issues, and missed the rune.
I don’t know why this was changed from kToS to iToS, but in my personal opinion it is a BAD change. not because i don’t have the time to waste waiting for the rune to spawn, but rather i would rather not be wasting my time waiting for a rune to spawn, that might have already spawned that day. there is nothing indicating weather or not you missed the rune, or how long it will be before the next set of runes spawn. and the fact that they despawn is the worst of it all. again i would rather be able to come find the rune and wait a couple hours instead of waiting 5+ hours a day to decide “Well… i must have missed it.” and theres already the chronomancer master who has no idea where she put her rune. so you have to wait on that one as well. overall this quest is not even a challenge, its a test of patience, and not a particularly well designed one.
@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan i don’t know who else i should be tagging, but i personally would like this to be taken into consideration, and i feel others would too.


i’m waiting since 6 a.m. and nothing has happened… damn imc… why 24h respawn?

Remove quest to rune caster… In the game and as a bunch of problems …

I had to wait only 1 hour after last spawn to get it.
Are you sure that you are waiting in the right place?

Hidden classes are meant to be extremly hard to get. They stated that several tiems. Try to do the Shinobi quest :wink: :smiley:

While i agree, Hidden classes should be difficult to obtain, but i even stated in my original post, this is not so much difficult, as it is tedious and boring. you are not doing anything ‘Hard’ per se, rather, you are waiting for ages for a single rune to spawn, and if you miss it, you have to wait till tomorrow. for me, the rune spawned at 10AM server time, approximatly two hours after i woke up. I am merely saying they could just put a really difficult boss holding the rune or switch it back to kToS design. especially when theres already the chronomancer master who can take anywhere from 1 minute to 10 days to find the rune for you. so yeah, i am saying outright the quest is, as is, NOT difficult. it is a waste of time for a class we don’t even know will get any more circles of. while i am happy to take the class for the additional nuking power it provides as is, it is only really worth it for a few choice builds right now. even taking it just for rune of ice is not the best thing ever, and Rune of Giants is rather limiting due to skill restrictions. i could go on but i feel suggestions for the class itself don’t belong in this post. so yes, if you can tell me that waiting for runes to appear is ‘Difficult’ Then i think thats more an issue with your attention span then anything.

Am waiting for 17.5 hours already :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

It seems there are five locations where you can get the gems. I got my rune in less than 15min on the spot on the fifth floor. (There is one spot per floor)

Go to one of the spawn points 5 minutes before the hour.
On the hour, cycle channels until you find the rune.

The rune is a small thing so don’t miss it.

For the Chronomancer time based part of the quest, wait next to the npc and don’t change map or log out.

You all seem to be missing the point of this. I’ve completed my Runecaster quest a couple days after posting this after the rune spawned at 10AM EDT, a mere two hours after i would normally wake up, and a time where people in PDT are either just waking up or are still sleeping. Now, i don’t care where in the world you actually are, but the 24h spawn is only part of the problem. a big part of the problem yes, but still only a part. None of this quest can actually be defined as ‘Hard’ or ‘Difficult’ to obtain entirely, when that is exactly what the hidden classes are supposed to be. A Hidden Class as defined by imc is something that should be difficult to obtained and only a certain number of people should be allowed to be said class at any given time. now, the latter part of that definition worries me, but its the first part that matters here. You can not call the rune caster quest ‘Difficult’ in any way, as all it has you do is talk to an npc in a few locations, then locate runes in different locations. two of which are outright given to you. Two of which are placed in a location for you to find, and then there is this rune, which you camp one of 5 spots in Royal Mausoleum to pray that you havn’t already missed the rune for the day. what part of this quest is difficult? You don’t even fight a boss not once. for a quest that you can only reasonably complete at rank 6, when the class itself is first obtainable, you would think they would be able to give you a harder task then a fetch quest, but instead thats exactly what you get, and a 24 hour timer on top of that.

The Thuriasz rune spawns on one of the 5 floors on a designated spot right? And it has a timer of 24 hours? How am I supposed to know if it already spawned for the day? And does it only spawn on one of the 5 places? If I am unlucky I might be camping at the wrong space?

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This is exactly one of the parts of the problem of this quest. there is NO timer in game. Nothing to tell you if you missed it or not, and it only spawns ONCE every 24 hours, despawning some few minutes after that, so if no one claims it, they are just gone for the day and no one can grab it that day. the rune does indeed spawn in every one of the five spaces, at the exact same time, on every channel, but again it being once a day where it despawns makes it impossible to tell if you’ve actually missed it or not.

True, that’s really my concern. It’s not difficult per se. It’s just a matter of waiting. I eventually got my rune after 22 hours of waiting in one spot.

I was planning to do this quest smartly by calculating the optimal number of hours I wait at a single spot per day so I’ll get to save up on sleep hahaha.

According to a friend, waiting at a single spot 2 to 4 hours a day is the best if you are just a casual player. Of course extending the number of hours will increase your chance of getting it as well as changing channels every 30 minutes.

Another point is knowign where EXACTLY the rune appears.

The Rune does not shine or glitter. It’s just a small blue-green piece of stone that floats. It’s better to position your character on where the rune will exactly spawn because seeing the spacebar option is more obvious than the rune itself.

I was waiting for 22 hours while having a movie and drama marathon. makign sure to check and change channels every 30 minutes for 22 hours straight. I did had somebody to cover me for 10 hours within that 22 hours. And yes, I am one of those unlucky ones who have to wait for very long

The quest isn’t difficult yeah. And there are five spot (one on each floor) where the rune spawns. So it’s really even easier, you just have to check all the five spots and maybe not even wait at all some hours to get this done. (For me i found it on the spot on the 3rd floor after checking 5th and 4th floors spots)

how did you have time to check three spots? and what time did you pick it up?

I though, they all spawn at exact same time.

It was between 17:00-18:00 in France, I checked three spots in something like 15min while checking all canals of the first and second spot. I didn’t check if there was runes on the other canals on the third spot.

Can someone post a pic of the map where runes spawn? Its going to be a big help!!

Thanks in advance!

I’ll link you the french guide :

So yeah it’s in French but you just need the part “1F/2F/3F/4F/5F with the screen” ^^

Well this one is in english.

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Yeah i’m linking the french one, just because in this one there are the 5 spotss where you can find the rune, at first people thought it was only on F5 ^^