Tree of Savior Forum

Rune caster quest prereq

So… I pretty much grinded up to rank 6, wanting to become rune caster.

I dont see goddess Saule at septyni glen because I didnt do any main quest.
Does that mean i have to do ALL the main quests up to “release goddess Saule”? Meaning i have to do quests from east sialuai, miners village, crystal mine, tanet, all those cliff and plataeu and ravine and gorge, all the way up to septyni glen?

You got it, any hidden class unlocking requires yellow quest at some point. RC requires yellow quest at Gateway of great kings too.

:sad: 20charcharchar


yes… and why wouldn’t you want to? You get 3 stat points per revelation… and the seal of space for example.
It’s not like you have to do every single quest, just rush through the main quest-lines that are necessary.

don’t forget to grab the stat-statues as well :'D

On top of that for one of the Rune’s you need the Seal of Space anyway :stuck_out_tongue: Good luck I just had to do the same thing since I was going to wait off on the questing points.

Yes, you do. You need to do it anyway for the Seal of Space to get one of the runes.

Honestly though, it doesn’t take that long to do the main quest. Probably like 30-45 min breezing through it.

I’m at the last step where I need the rune stone from chronomancer.

I talked to chronomancer master, waited 2 hours, she still says she can’t find it. Turned off computer and waited till the next day, still can’t find it?!?!

Is there another hidden prereq not explained again?

Please help, thanks a bunch.

I suggest getting the Show Hide Buff addon from the addon manager. It’ll show a buff on the chrono master with the time left until she gives you the rune.

171 minutes?! Fine… I’ll wait…

If I log out or change map, timer resets i assume?

If the channel population goes to 0, it resets.

just stay there, there is also an addon that shows you her timer if you think that you really need to know how long is left

Phew… That was unpleasant… But it was so worth it!

Probably my funnest character. Wiz-cryo-psycho3-rune caster. Its not meta, but rune of giant is so fun when there are lots of mobs (demon prison). Psychokino’s crowd control is so fun too, can’t wait for the new skill :slight_smile: