Tree of Savior Forum

Rune Caster/ Cryomancer, what to go in the middle

I have 2 builds that i wanna use and i dont know which one i wanna use


i want cryomancer and rune caster but i dont know what to put in the middle

I’m following Valkoria’s build, with a little changes in skill point allocation in the Cryo 3. Currently level 230 with all circles, except for Rune Caster’s at rank 8.

What people usually go for between Cryo and RC is Psychokino. The main reason for this is for the ice wall + rune of ice + psychic pressure combo. I’m on mobile right now, so I can’t link you any videos, but a simple YouTube search should give you some results.

The Psychokino build is mainly a one trick build, that melts bosses. Valkoria’s Cryomentalist build is for the interaction between rune of ice, and cryo and elementalist’s skills to have 150% more damage on ice skills. The main goal for that was for the insane damage of ice wall + ice blast combo (again, YouTube has videos), but that combo was nerfed recently.

TLDR; Valkoria’s build was nerfed, but still works, it’s just not a 1-button kill class anymore. CryoKino build still works well, although it’s a 1-trick burst class with long CD.

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Runecaster is not worth getting at all unless you are cryokino. The ice blast combo is dead so all you have rune of ice for is freezing sphere, ice pike, ice bolt, ice blast (2 hits iw + tree). Ice pike/ice bolt are barely dps moves and so all you really get is a stronger ice blast + freezing sphere.

CryoeleRC sounds ok on paper, but believe me. This build does NOT work. you should be getting wiz2 for surespell or you will get interrupted many times. Sage is a decent choice too but wiz2 is superior. Also with surespell or quick cast, you will never cast rune of justice/ rune of destruction in combat unless theres a dedicated tank

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cryo c3 kino c3 RC. This build is meant to give good CC for team and melt bosses. Can be a field boss hunter if you want.

The idea of using Rune of ice to buff ice spells is pretty bad due to ice spells having low damage and high cooldowns.Exceptions like wiz 3 ele 3 RC sage are good because 2 sec to buff freezing sphere because freezing sphere has 500+%x2 damage at lv 10 and 3 overheat

Valkoria’s build isnt very good in my opinion. RC is meant to have wiz circles. Its not meant to have cryo circles unless you are a cryo kino.

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Thats not entirely true. Ice skills got a nice buff, and i can understand why ppl now want to go runecaster. ice blast doing 770 % of dmg, potentially doing dmg like a meteor if u spam its 3 charges (its actually better since u dont have cast time and its cool down is much lower), Snow rolling also does nice dmg and such.

The reason why not all ice builds work with runecaster now isnt because of dmg of ice skills, but cuz of absurd cast times that ALL of runecaster skills have. So you either need super powerfull cc (cryo 3 and kino 3), or wiz 2 or 3 to make it viable.

IMC killing the class locking all its skills behind cast times is the problem. u waste a circle just to buff cryo skills, since the buff can be casted before u engage a group of mobs, but u cant dps constantly with almost all ur dmg skills having cast times, specially in maps 300+. I think ull be fine with just cryo skills in maps -300. I nuked all tehvrin first and 2nd floor with just ice blast. Still, not a good idea to just rely on them,

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With thaumaturge build you have shrink body and really powerful team buff. (2 with condition…)
Anyway, with shrink body (Monster take 220% damage because of swell right arm attribute.) i’m doing around 50k / cast iceblast (Whitout RC, still R7)
Your icewall will also hurt REALLY hard if someone use it for you, like a monk energy blast or a dopple cyclone, because Thaum give you TONS of Matk and basically each shard does 100% of your Matk or 3x/tile hit.

Elementalist ice skill (Except Freezing sphere) won’t profit from runecaster icerune because Hail and Frost cloud are deployment spell
> -Ice-type magic cast by you and party members except for deployment magic will be stronger for a given duration.

Also I want to remember Tons of cryomance that still think… Icewall + Iceblast will destroy boss.
Iceblast wille to X target around take 1 object and do damag it, the reason multiple icewall take 1 hit is because iceblast also hit icewall, Just put a tree there instead of saying I WONT DO DAMAGE if i’m not putting this icewall directly in middle of boss and kinda screw other while doing it… Iceblast never hit more than 1 time anymore and got a target limit (But the range is even bigger than icetree pull range)

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Been using the ice wall + ice blast combo on bosses, without buffs and current equips can kill them in 2 hits, i really like it, still with the all the ice skills from ele i have gone with it, i know its not going to be a huge boss killer but it doesnt hurt to give it a go. thanks all for the replies and i hope to see you in game

the cryokino combo mainly uses cryo1 and kino1 now. PP duration is 10 seconds max, you are never gonna hit icewall more than 20 times (lvl 9 icewall = cryo1 + audra + gem + divine might). you might hit more than 10 icewalls if you go through too much inconvenience.
runecaster requires wiz2 surespell to not completely suck, and wiz3 to not have smelly experience with runecaster attack skills.

and it’s weaker now. you can probably burst down a boss quickly if your combo isn’t screwed up by something. and match elementalist damage with wiz3 cryo kino rune but… only when ice rune is up. what are you gonna do in the downtime? :confused:
ice rune does work differently than agny, it’s not an addition to skillfactor. maybe you can pull something off if you add enchanter ele dmg to cryokino (no, you won’t get a bonus for “lightning” on freeze)

you can hit 15 walls. its a matter of skill.
If you run cryo c3 kino c3 RC, you have very good amounts of crowd control for party play. Do note that skills like breaking wheel and cyclone from other classes can help you create shards which deal your magic attack damage.

If you run cryo c1 kino c1 then take Wiz 3 cryo c1 kino c1 RC wl2. You will at least have mastema to use every 36s(if im not wrong on the cooldown) which does feel quite long.

I started using cryo c3 kino c3 RC because it can nuke bosses.


this player has very high end gear. I have 3.6k Magic attack and can burst down the boss in about 6-8 sec without chapp cards(which im still working on)

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