Tree of Savior Forum

Rubberband fixed, thanks imc ズイ₍₍(ง˘ω˘)ว⁾⁾ズイ



pay 50m to jump forward


Confirmed with Thrust Arts as well that this is fixed. Can you confirm this change was intended and that the problem will be fixed moving forward?

Would be a shame to see this broken again in a couple of weeks.

EDIT: NVM I see it in the notes

  • Froster Lord’s attack range will be reduced for the Grimoire Master event.
  • Made improvements to correct the player’s positioning after skills have been used.

Did Shield Train also get this fix? Or wait, it was the Murmillo Leap Attack wasn’t it? Sorry I don’t have a Murmillo right now.

stares at avatar

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thrusts, frenzied slash seems to be okay now

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I can use Palm Strike combo 100% time now.


Is this related to my pet NOT bugging out at all today? Pets fixed? :open_mouth:

From yesterday (after patch) :tired:

No one can target this murmillo properly

It’s a special week. Frenzied slash is now (as it should be) a gap closer nuke attack and not the most powerful ranged swordsman attack.

Truly a blessed time to be playing ToS… :sad:

Yes, I am really excited to pvp now thanks to these changes. Feels like I can actually control my character and make an impact, rather than just spam moves and pray they work.

Gotta give credit where (and when) credit is due !

Good job IMC ! My Canonie isn’t Leblanc anymore (was fun to juke enemies, a bit less to juke myself)


heard rubber band is back in TBL and overweight for thrust ( rng )

as of yesterday it was still fine

Murmillo frenzy slash feels smooth now

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