Tree of Savior Forum

Rooting Chance?

Yeah I know this is supposed to be Looting chance, but my question is… does anyone have the values for Looting chance and how it has an effect on loot?

It’s not implemented yet, since Looting Chance doesn’t appear on our character info (F1). It’s only going to work when we get white gems, Gorka cards, etc. According to kTOS players, ~600 looting chance increases drop rate by ~30%.

P.S.: Looting Chance only affects unidentified items drop rate.

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It definitely does appear and can already roll on equipment. It also appears when you enter challenge mode.



If that is true, do you think Looting Chance works like Critical Rate in that the chance is an exponential value of the looting chance?

For example

Assuming 600 loot chance corresponds to a 30% increase

600^x = 30%

log<600>(600^x) = log<600>(30)
x = log<600>(30)
x = log<10>(30) / log<10>(600)
x = 0.5316921656139

Or it is linear where every bit of looting rate is equal to 0.05% looting chance increase?

Oh, I heard that from a guildmate. Sorry for sharing wrong information.

I think it’s nonlinear, probably an exponential function like you said. Those values are a rough estimation according to Inje Kang, so take them with a grain of salt. Drop chance was tested with +682 Looting Chance as you can see here.

Considering what you calculated in your post, maybe Bonus Drop Chance (BDC) is BDC = +[sqrt(Looting Chance)]%?

Hmm let me recalculate with the new value you gave me

682^x = 30

x = log<10>(30) / log<10>(682)

x = 0.52125393

Obviously a rough estimate, but maybe a starting point for future calculations and experiments :3

Edit: Yeah you might be right. It seems close enough to 0.5 that it just might be that way.

Edit2: Well, it might be 0.52 if we want to assume that it really is closer to 30%. 0.5 pushes the value to 26% which is closer to 25% of a difference compared to 30%

Assuming the player’s estimation of 682 being close to 30% increases, then the current guess of the Loot Chance formula is:

RootingChance^0.52 = BDC%

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