Tree of Savior Forum

Rod vs Staff : what would you choose?

Hi, now with the new combat system, i’m wondering if staffs are not better than rod + dagger with elemental damage.
Staffs have more magic attack … now that skills are heavily affected by weapon, isn’t it better ?

My build is not yet done, but atm i’m trying wiz1 pyro2 elem1/pyro3 sorc 1 necro 3

Its less about whats ‘better’ and more about what do you prefer? (Just throwing numbers) 20% more defenses and hp or 20% more damage.

IMO it depends on build. Shields are still good, daggers not so much.

isn’t the elemental damage from daggers working for mages anymore? or just the flat + MATK from staves is better after patch? i will assume after the rescaling changes from base atk to % the MATK is better?

Viena MACE > Windia Rod

Just saying.


Elemental damage are now added after defense reduction and skill factor.
So the main pros is that they IGNORE DEFENSE

On the other hand, having higher m.atk also makes defense less effective against you so the higher your m.atk is, the less that defense ignoring value matter.

So to OP, my suggestion is this:
Get Viena Mace for your 1 practo weapon, it’s better than Windia Rod by a big margin and it can be used by 3/4 of the base classes. Get it to +6 at least, +11 if you can get there, put in red gems in it. Now you have a weapon that can be used for Wiz/Swordsman/Cleric instead of having to make 3 weapons.

THEN work on getting a strong staff if you want max damage, or Heart of Glory/Solmiki rod + shield if you want more balanced stat, save your blessed gems to transcend that one instead.

I wonder : Why would they make Viena mace straight out better in any way than Viena rod? Isn’t Viena rod kinda useless then, since even wizards can use maces?
If maces have at least the same stats, is there any advantage of using rods over maces?

In the beginning, maces didn’t have Magic Attack in the first line. After they introduced that, it became the superior choice save for a few specific scenarios.

okay for more dmg we go staff ? :thinking:

I wish Clerics could equip staffs. :frowning:

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have good side weapon/shield?_?

yes = use rod
no = use staff

Back in the day when maces had only physical attack stat as its main, Viena had large amount of INT and +attack to give it a hybrid potential (no caster cleric would use it because can’t enhance/transcend for m.atk)

With the rebalance, they normalized all weapons base stat based on their level requirement + quality.
However, this only change the base stat and didn’t touch on the bonus stats.

So Viena kept its huge Int and +attack bonus, making it way stronger than it should be.
Maybe at some point IMC will take a look at some of the gear and balance their stat a bit more, but until then Viena will remain the powerhouse that it is.

Staff is completely unnecessasary unless you are doing end content in party with intend to transcend it above stage 5.
If you are solo casual, practo mace + shield are far enough.

As casual you can just grab a super cheap 270 staff and be done.

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