Tree of Savior Forum

Rod vs One-Handed Mace (vs Staff)

these days im asking myself which weapontype i should use in Rebuild for my wizclasses. Sure its a Question of Build and Skills, but in Velcofferruns i saw a guy (Pyro, Ele, Taoist) using Velcoffer 1hMace instead of Rod and ask myself why?

Maybe someone got an answer for me? Is it to save Money, cause one-handed Mace is useable 4 more classes?

I calculate with the IMC Numbers for Magic Attak and if they are correct and im not noobin around then its like every Int= 2MA + @every10 Int its Int+ 5% MA —— So from Beginning its 10Int=20MA +1MA, 20Int =41MA+2MA, 30Int…3MA and and and

My Goal Max Dmg with 1h & solid protect, means with shield

If i take a Look @ Rod and Mace then Rod Looks like more Dmg cause more MA

Or am i wrong overall and go on with Staff…

Any Ideas?

Greetz and Thx!

It’s most probably went like this…
Guy mains as Cleric class > Makes Velc mace > Transfer it to sub characters that can use it.

As using a mace as a dedicated weapon for wizard class is not really a good idea as you loose some of the perks you get when using a Staff or Rod.

It might just be his Velc mace is his most powerful weapon in his team at the moment that is why he is sharing it with his subs.

Velcoffer mace is probably due to the Asio Mace effect that can be ichored on top of the mace, which summons a shaman doll that deals 30000 - 50000 damage when killed in a decent AoE.

Since the chance is 10% per attack that lands on an enemy, there will be a lot of shaman dolls summoned on multi-hit skills as they die easily, which helps a lot when farming, fighting against Demon Lords and doing challenge mode.

If you care much about burst damage or overall DPS, then mace is not for you, but it’s quite nice with the Asio Mace ichor for bossing and soloing CM.

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but which wizard build has multihit as many as druid-pd-zealot?

Does it work for per attack or per hit?

Taoist Creeping Death Charm summons 3 moving charms that continously deals damage. Onmyoji Ying Yang Harmony. Pyro fireball + Ele storm dust combo. Pyro Hell Breath. Not sure if Ice Wall + Psychic Pressure (can do 10 or more shard hits per psychic pressure tick) works.

per hitting the enemy, you cant triggered shaman doll by hitting air

Per hit. Given how many multihits Pyro/Ele/Tao have, I wouldn’t be surprised if a shaman doll explosion was triggered every 3 to 5 seconds.

For a Pyro/Ele would u Staff for the fire increase of rod/shied for survive/fast cast times?

Do Velcoffer -> Get and open cube -> Get a random untradable Velcoffer Mace -> See that it’s better than any rod/staff you have -> Use said mace until you get enough frags to afford a proper Rod or Staff

Heh one year ago my main wizard was still using a Vienarazis Mace as weapon, because it was the only thing I could afford… and it was quite good at that time!

Okay thx @ all that helped :slightly_smiling_face: