Tree of Savior Forum

Rhevisan Recipe - How made it without DG 160 Help

Hello Friends

I need a help, i want to make a Rhevisan Bracelet, but i have a little problem, with the chance of DGs i don´t know where to drop some itens

like Anti-Dark Property Bracelet, it droped by monsters (Cockatrice) on DG 160 but now it not exist more, so where i can find this item to complet this recipe ?

This monster have on any Free Dgs? Please, give some light because i not find one way to find this item before the changes

Thanks for everthing heart

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I’m wondering about that as well.

There was a patch where a lot of blues have been added as random drops on dungeon boss cubes. Maybe it’s been moved to either dg 115, 130 or 145.

Is there none posted in your server’s marketplace?

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Same problem.

I need to drop a Slightly Broken Anti-Dark Necklace (which dropped on 160 mobs) but i can’t seem to find where they drop. They even dissapeared from market (Silute server). Anyone have an idea where those things drop now?

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was wondering this myself