Dungeon Auto Match currently falls short on a few key areas.
- There is no chat. If someone is going to bust a voucher, or has a good clear class that can carry they can not convey this to others thus saving everyone’s time by checking ‘Auto Match 2-4 players’
- Auto Match 2-4 players takes much too long to actually queue, from my testing it seems the player waiting the longest who checked needs to have been waiting for 5minutes for it to go
- If there are 4 people waiting for 20+ minutes and 3 have checked ‘Auto Match 2-4 players’, they should be sent in without that fourth person or the fourth person should get a pop up letting them know, and a small window of 30seconds~minute to either choose to join in, or be left behind.
- I should be able to see the class ranks of the other people queued to get an idea of if I should choose Auto Match 2-4 or not.
This game very strongly revolves around enjoying multiple characters, it’s good that questing being almost necessary was something that is no longer the case as it was back in beta, but the dungeon system needs to be made more streamlined. Auto Match is great, but we need to take proper advantage of geting people to the content they want faster, especially people who don’t have much time daily, they don’t want it spent waiting.
What it comes down to is making the system usable by having more information and methods available to the end user so that they can make an educated decision.