Tree of Savior Forum

[Review][Mini-Guide] Swordsman: All classes and best builds

But but but…what if your a swordy who has a Cleric > C2 Priest > C3 Paladin > PD buddy that is constantly with you healing, buffing, supporting, etc all the time, wouldst thou want thine leather then? :stuck_out_tongue:

Also as for a tank build, honestly I want the hardiest build possible that can maintain threat. Whats your new recommendation since your original post builds are all now obsolete? :stuck_out_tongue:

On the contrary, that just makes Plate even better.

The benefits it brings make your heals and buffs more efficient. And the combination of two people playing together makes it even more unnecessary to use Vubbe Gloves as a Swordsman, which is pretty much the only justifiable piece of Leather to use at low levels. This will hold true even better at higher levels, when both go into more difficult maps and the damage mitigation from Plate + Paladin will come handy for 3 star maps.

I mean, you say that, but at the same time don’t provide any elaboration to build the case where this would hold true.

From my part, I already provided you with:

  • A link to the entire Item Database.
  • A video where Evasion was tested and shows how it is impossible to 100% evade attacks.
  • Took the armor we have available at level 120 and 170 and made the basic math to compare them while using level 50 of their respective attributes.
  • Pointed out how different builds benefit more from using Plate instead of Leather .
  • Pointed out how there is a threshold for the Evasion stat and why Leather is bad in this case.

I gave exact numbers on how 4 pieces of Leather are inferior to 4 pieces of Plate, so the only remaining factor is the use of Vubbe gloves for a 1 Leather + 3 Plate armor set. For this, I already said that every build outgrows the use of Vubbe gloves.

Hoplite-based builds do it before everyone else because of Finestra, but other builds still require to get the most out of their skills until they get enough skills for their rotation (which happens around Rank 5+, but guaranteed at Rank 6). Corsairs want to use 4 pieces of Plate for the extra Stamina which helps with Double Weapon Assault, while Doppelsoeldner gets Cyclone and Fencer gets enough skills to fill their entire rotation.

There is also the fact that past Demon Prison, every map goes back to be a “quest map”, where mob spawns are low and instead of long fights there are small skirmishes where AoE Range doesn’t make any difference. It also doesn’t help when there are many people playing the game, so you have to compete for mobs in the map (this also happens at low levels), so AoE Range becomes meaningless in these situations.

Then there is party play (for grinding parties and dungeons).

AoE Range isn’t as effective as when one is alone, since every one in the party contributes with their skills to the total AoE of the party. And let’s be honest, most of the AoE damage comes from Mages/Clerics/etc (all kinds of different builds). Not to even mention how a linker practically nullifies the need for more AoE range.

At higher levels most content outside the “quest maps” are for parties, so the use of Vubbe gloves is unnecessary and the damage reduction from Plate becomes more valuable as mobs start dealing way more damage. At this point DEX builds already have way more Evasion than they need and it becomes more important to reduce the damage that does get through instead of getting more Evasion (because it won’t make a difference, as there is a threshold past which there is no more benefits gained from adding more to it).

This will be even more important with the addition of the 3 star maps past level 200, where more HP and straight up % damage reduction increase their value in a build.

I pretty much already covered everything on this topic, so I think this might be my last post on it. Anything else would just mean going around in circles again.

I do see the benefits of using Vubbe gloves for particular situations (solo grind at Mage Tower, for example), but for everything else Plate will be better and there is simply no justification for ever using 4 pieces of Leather as a Swordsman.

These things are easier to tell once one is playing the game, and most people are able to figure out why using Plate is better as they keep on getting more used to the game and reach higher levels (reason why it was extremely rare to see a level 200 Swordsman still using Vubbe Gloves during our last iCBT2).

Maybe I can’t convince you that using Leather is inefficient for PvE, and that is fine. I am just typing this for anyone who reads these posts in the future when looking for information or for me to reference when this question arises again.

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Hm, well plate will add more defense and thus more defense from Aspersion…that and…heh…you should see what was just posted up on Chaplain Cleric class…Im kinda wondering if thats a troll… because it looks like a senior class to the Priest…

Any fencer builds that actually utilizes the fencer skills in pvp? No matter what I come up with, I can’t think of anything that will use fencer skills in the main combo.

Anything with Barbarian will probably go bash>x>helmchopper>Cleave> x. I guess you could put in the fencer skills in the x spots but I feel like everything else would do better than Fencer… Fencer is so pretty though.

Do you think it’s ok to go 3 plate + leather gloves? Or is the full set much better with the mastery?

When you PvP as swordman the first thing you need to think about is how to catch the opponent first.

While barbarian -> fencer path is quite good in throwing out skills, they lack that catching mechanic.

So basically you want to open with Seism for a chance to stun opponent in place, then helm chopper -> cleave (for crit) -> lunge (pierce weaken enemies) -> flanconnade continuously for damage.

Well it is possible i under value defence but imo physical defence has almost no value to me so only thing plate gives is the damage reduction % and hp so the question becomes do you have enough evade if yes then plate is better if no then leather. I don’t know how much evade is necessary so i had huge amount during icbt and i didn’t take damage from almost anything except magic so best armor would have been cloth and not plate.

Maybe you can swap gloves if you are in party and don’t need AoE but during 1-200 levels of icbt i always needed aoe more i could get better and i played barb which have large amount of aoe so classes like highlander will need vubbe gloves even more.

Vubbe gloves also give 10 Str for that i would probably wear them rather than the best plates that only give defence. In fact i would probably wear armor that gives 1 dex rather than any amount of defence because once you got high evade i only care for dps stats now maybe after 200 it becomes too hard to just wearing random ■■■■ but that is what i wore during icbt.

So as long as you don’t provide me with accurate evade math i will not know how much evade is needed only thing i know monsters will get more and more accuracy so evade will be needed pretty much always. I also don’t go for “full” dex builds i feel once you got decent enough for nice crit, nice dodge i feel str will give the most dps after that and con the best defence. So the more i can skimp from dex for dodge purposes is more i can put to str because items give great crit rates and evade and stats give great str and int.

Flanconnade, Attaque Coquille and Sept Etoiles have fast animations, so you can easily use those as damage fillers in between your other CC. Even though Lunge has a longer animation, you only really need to land the first hit for the debuff to apply, and you can follow it up with Seism. Esquive Toucher is bad though, so I wouldn’t use that one.

There isn’t a “perfect formula” for PvP. It is always about who gets more creative with their skills, tactics and general strategy to come out with the victory (better ping will always help too). Sure, PvP is bad at the moment because they still need to work on balancing skills/classes around a PvP mode, but that will come eventually.

For the 3 Plate + Vubbe gloves, I think it is fine if you have those gloves available to you (If you have to farm for hours to get them, it is not worth it). But like I said, every build outgrows them and eventually it is smarter to use 4 pieces of Plate instead of Vubbe gloves. For this, I say it is as soon as you get out of solo grinding Mage Tower (just before reaching Rank 5, or at Rank 5+). Hoplite-based builds don’t really ever need the gloves though, because of Finestra.

And it is not like you have to throw them away. If you ever feel like you could use them, then bring them out. If you feel like the extra damage reduction from 4 Plate would help you more, then switch to using that instead.

If you are a Corsair C2, you most likely want to stay with 4 pieces of Plate because of the extra Stamina.

I remember a guy on these forums raging about how evasion was broke in pvp on his lvl 17x Cata and my only question was “Are you still using vubbe gloves?” his response “Oops”. Vubbe gloves are good for low levels but severely over rated and over used.

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Vubbe gloves are obviously bad for pvp, but the best pve for ppl who have too much dex because once you go to like 50-100 dex + you will never miss in pve even with no gloves.

you say that yet its amazing how much of the population doesn’t understand it.

Which of these will be better all around class and can you also write the stat distribution. I like how pelt utilise on higher lvls and ability to tank with it so i dont want to delete it. Cant decide for myself is the hoplite 3/corsair 3 classes worth the price or i should go completely different smth like shinobi (ik there is not enough info atm so i am w8ing for it too) so maybe some advice will help me. Thanks

Sw > Pelt 1 > Hoplite 2 > Corsair 2 > Dragoon
Sw > Pelt 1 > Barb 2 > Corsair 3
Sw > Pelt 1 > Barb 2 > Corsair 2 > Shinobi (just for example)

Would like this for pure DPS

If yes which skills would u skill ?

^or SW > Pelt 1 > Hop 2 > Corsair 2 > Shinobi

yeah, exacly, or this one


I think we need still need to wait for more information about every Rank 7 option (Corsair C3, Shinobi, Dragoon, etc).

Corsair C3

In it’s current state, it doesn’t look too good. Unless they drastically improve the way Corsair interacts with a pistol, I think it doesn’t really offer much, since Pistol shot isn’t that good (33 seconds cool-down, no overheat).

I think it is better to take Doppelsoeldner or Dragoon, considering they will give much better damage options than more points into the C1/C2 Corsair skills.


Looks good so far.

Adds a bunch of new skills for the Corsair to use, all of which can be used with a 1H spear. This choice increases the Corsair’s mobbing ability, which is the weakest point of Corsair and could be fixed with Dragoon skills.


It looks pretty weak right now, to be honest.

The clones copy Kunai and Mijin no Jutsu, but they can’t copy skills from other classes. It also looks like they can mimic auto-attacks, but only if you are using a 1H weapon (2H won’t work). And we still need more information about how much damage they actually deal, since the skill description says their damage scales off DEX.

Kunai also has 2 overheat instead of 4. That leaves Katon no Jutsu, which doesn’t have overheat and a 29 seconds cool-down (Mijin no Jutsu doesn’t have overheat either, and a 50 seconds cool-down).

To be fair, very few people have tested Shinobi, which makes it a very small sample size to base anything off, and I expect them to make changes to this class once more people have got around to play with it and give feedback about it.


This is the other option I would consider for a Corsair build at Rank 7.

Deeds of Valor increases the already high DPS of a Corsair, while Cyclone gives it another good damage skill that can also be used for mobbing.


This is all based on the current state/information of these classes. I am sure more balance changes are to come, and might change the outcome of this.

For stats distribution, you go mainly STR with Hoplite and mainly DEX with Barbarian, I think either option is fine. Obviously the Hoplite route will have more damage, but the Barbarian route will have evasion, so it depends how you want to play with your character.


I think it is fine if you want to mix those classes for a DPS character:

Swordsman->Peltasta->Highlander C3->Doppelsoeldner C1->Dragoon

The highlander skills are pretty much up to your personal preference. You can get less/more Crown, or less/more Cross Guard, or less/more Cartar Stroke, depends on which skill you like more.

On Doppelsoeldner you can also skip Punish and give that extra point to Double Pay Earn.

Much appreciated mate <3 Almost what i thought, thanks

I don’t know if I ever asked you this, but do you know by how much your slash attacks are increased by with thee debuff?

Good guide, thanks for the time you spend. :slight_smile:

Does this skill has knockdown or knockback fitur ?

Hi thx for this post !
Im a newbi on ToS, i cannot play tos before and i wanna play it soon ^^
so its my first job, i would like playing a LK pierce like in Ragnarok, high DPS, great survavibility, nice move, great in pve and pvp .
I think i should go high STR, a bit of DEX CON and maybe SPR
and my build
What do you think about it ? ty