Tree of Savior Forum

Returning player - would like a bit of advice

Hello everyone,

as the title says I’m returning player.

I was level 150 swordsman - full hoplite i think. Since i got the chance to fully change i went wizard- onmyoji - featherfoot. I’m loving it so far (level 250 currently).

But along the way I spent unnecessary skill points and status points. Since I’m kinda new to all of this, can someone tell me what is the easiest way/cheapest way to reset status and skill points.

As I’ve read for skill points I’d need to change my whole class? revert back to swordsman and then again go for wizard? I just have doubts if it will allow me, to go back to wizard (returning player buff).

As for status points i’ve seen there is a potion in a TP shop. For now I’m free to play player and I’m not ready to spend money. Is there any other way?

Thank you any answers and suggestion.


reset skill point, you can talk to reset helper NPC at every city

stat reset, there are 2 ways:
first this

clearing magetower quest will enable you to get stat reset pot from vaivora NPC

or playing the game and collect 10 PP point every 30 minute. need 4000 point for stat reset pot from PP shop

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Hey, thank you for reply :slight_smile:

I’m trying to find a reset helper but im not finding any luck… I’ve googled and it should be here ->

I only have Class Tree changer. I’ve already used it from swordsman to wizard so I dont think I can use it to revert back to swordsman and choose wizard again, or can I?

you can find reset helper npc in klai (southwest of wing of vaivora npc), orsha (near purple orb at northern area) and fedi

class tree changer only work 2 times, swordman-wizard-back to swordman

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