Tree of Savior Forum

Returning Player here! :)

Hello! I’m Pamdu, I played for a few months when the game just released (I think 2016? I got founders pack) I played for a few months and then quit, then I came back like october 2018 for another few months. And now I’m here, when I left I remember I had something like Wiz3 -> Ele3 -> Warlock2 > Runecaster, that’s what I remember at least.

Now seems like the game restarted my class, my skills and deleted some of my equipment, it was supposed to be in the market but some items just dissapeared, I guess bad for me.

I don’t want to mess it up so i’m trying to look for information about what to do but I didn’t find too much info, seems like tosbase is outdated (the webpage where I looked up for builds back then), any good page for builds? Any build recommendation? I like doing damage lul. Any recomendation or advice is welcome, i’m kind of lost right now :frowning: and sorry about my english i’m chilean.

Two most popular wiz dps builds:

Sorc>Necro>FF = bossing focus

Pyro>Elem>Tao = aoe focus

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Hey there, your links seem to be broken?

Sorry, fixed

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