Tree of Savior Forum

Returning Player - Help with Shadowmancer build

Sup guys, how are you?

I’m coming back to the game after some months and I’m kinda lost. I don’t know if it’s just me, but the community seems a little shorter and that’s getting in the way of me finding the right build.
And that’s just what I wanted to ask you guys. I’m thinking of resetting a wizard of mine and turning him into a Shadowmancer. I’d like to know if it’s a good choice for playing solo (I’m not that into endgame and stuff, I just want to farm some stuff and have fun) and which are the best build. Thanks in advance.

tl;dr: yet another returning player asking for build (shadowmancer)


You could try my Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade Build :yum:

you are free to change FF2 for Shadow2 if you want

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farmer : wiz2-lin2-thaum3-shadow2

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taking FF1 feels weird, doesn’t it?

This looks interesting… Two questions tho:

  1. Shouldn’t I keep Shadow Pool at least at 1? It looks like it could help
  2. How would be the stats? Full INT?

Personally, i really enjoy this build
with a int/spr stat distribution of about 3:2 (but you can alter it, if you want more summon damage take more spr). Spr helps not only for summon damage, but also for sp-recovery (shadowmancer skills have stupidly high sp cost). I don’t really need any one of the defensive skills when grinding, doing solo instances or doing solo saalus.

Link + Shadow Condenstation or Link + Hangman + Shadow Conjuration is really nice for killing large amounts of monsters, you have access to sorcerers riding skill, which is quite fun and versatile, and for dungeon bosses you can use your summon + Spirit Shock + Shadow Thorn for good single target damage.

Some people take FF1, because FF1 can curse enemies.
Curse increases dark property damage by a certain amount.

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you have 5 points left. you can put shadow pool 1 if you like.
the points I put is the one that important imo.

I myself have a full spr SM with that build.
I think with full int you gonna cry playing SM. the thorn takes almost 1k SP each cast, with 4 OH.

not really, FF1 pretty good filler class though. not needing a potion during farm is nice.

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Wiz2 Link2 Thaum2 Sorc1 Shadow2 - full SPR

Sorc1 so you’ll never feel alone while farming somewhere. :smiley:


its a blood sucking build everything on it is weird xD

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This is the most fun looking build so far. But why not full SPR? And do you have a hard time cleaning mobs?

I’d go full SPR because your weapon will make up most of your damage for your skills, while summon scales off SPR. Also, link3 spirit shock benefits from SPR too. If you’re going INT, don’t bother going sorc, it’s a waste of a rank, better off getting another class to benefit from your INT.

wiz1-pyro2-link3-sorc1-sm2: Fire pillar is just really damn good, and of course better/stronger pyro skills. Don’t really need riding since you’re gonna be busy spamming skills anyways.

wiz1-cryo1-link3-sorc2-sm2: freeze them and ride, can save your ass.

wiz1-pyro1-cryo1-link3-sorc1-sm2: freeze and burn them.

Well, my weapon is neither high trans neither highly +ed, so some int is good. Shadowmancer also has very high% skill values, so each matk gained from int also results in good additional damage.

I guess with a highly upgraded and high transed weapon you can take away some or even all int and use it for spr.

I don’t really have a hard time clearing mobs, i run around to gather mobs, link them up+hangman and then use Shadow Condensation or Shadow Conjuration, which usually kills them instantly. If anyone survives you can finish them off with Shadow Thorn and Spirit shock.

I’m using a Templeshooter right now, and what i do is use riding, press 2 (that rapid fire skill) and immediately jump off, so while it’s doing its rapid arrow attacks for like 5 seconds i’m already off it and can use my skills again and overall i think it’s more damage than i would’ve gained with Fire Pillar and higher pyro skills. I’m not sure if other summons like Frost Lord have similar summon skills that be used in a similar fashion.

I see. I guess I won’t be able to take full SPR either

@Naght why wizard2? Isn’t wiz-pyro-link2-thaum3-SM2 better?

Magic Missile + Swell combo ?

Why pyro1 though ?
I’d rather take cryo1 for ice pike.

Oh OK. But is Magic Missile strong enough at 5? I would have thought it’s because lethargy or sleep have some secret technique with the C2 attributes.

Pyro1 has flame ground DoT, plus Flare for filler. Enchant Fire for occasional AA and of course, Spiritual Chain.

It’s just for finisher for mobs that live my jp hangman shadow combo.
so yeah it’s enough to do its job.

Well it’s a farmer though, i dont think you need that much filler skills.
since the way I play is just collect mobs -> jp hangman -> 1 shot with shadow -> repeat.

So… I kinda regret getting Sorc2 haha It feels weird as I NEVER ride my summon… I’m thinking of resetting and replacing one or both Sorcerer Ranks

Also, I’m using this little baby now. Is it okay for me to go full SPR now?