Tree of Savior Forum

Returning player course

Between the standard wiz-ele-lock a sorc sttong summoner build or a killer plauge doctor whixh one would be easiest and best to invest on from someone who dosent have mouch knowledge or experience on the game

Wiz-elelock is the safest , but you need invest on weopon and attribute.

Do you have money to burn on a weapon?

How about stating what you expect the build to achieve, what you want to do with it [i.e. farming, endgame content participation, PVP/GVG?].
You can’t expect people to give any useful answers if you don’t offer some data first.

And what about funding and willingness to learn the gameplay?

This is so wrong. Elelock is one of the worst choices one could make if the focus is to participate in endgame content (e.g. Velcoffer Raid, Demon Lord hunting).

Not only is it extremely dependent on heavy funding in both attributes and weapon&armor upgrade&transcendence, Wizard also has the problem of having the worst HP pool of all Classes (which makes it a Class on I.V.-infusion of Heals by a dedicated Cleric and an easy onehit kill if CON <500).

The other side of the medal is that it requires the player to also have a lot of SPR so you can support the SP-hungry skills of the Class (you still need to chug down SP pots like no tomorrow nevertheless).

In my opinion, a Wizard that’s more than a simple HG-farmer is way harder to gear.attribute and stat accordingly than all other Classes.
I’d not be so eager to describe it as the safest choice given the investments required to be viable for anything aside running instanced dungeons or farming in the fields/Hunting Grounds. If said player is only playing casually, he would be able to do pretty much nothing aside from farming with that build.


This part makes sense because of how Belphegor resists dark prop atks
and new World Boss patch

But these parts ruined it

It’s common knowledge that ALL DPS (and healers after heal rework patch) requires high investment for end game contents (I’m sorry but this is a no brainer tbh)

You only need 100~150 SPR investment (or less or hell even full INT then get SPR from gears) to maintain your SP as an elelock (past elelock user) and that is not a lot, you can easily get that amount from gears

The thing is if you want to play end game content as a DPS, you will need to invest heavily on gears and attribute, regardless of whether you are a cleric/warrior/archer.

First you need to decide whether you want to play DPS or support. Support probably requires much less gears.

For DPS builds, you wanna look at a few classes, mainly Elementalist, Sorceress, Warlock, Onmyoji. The most important thing to me is not whether a class is the strongest meta class, but whether you enjoy playing the class. Even if the classic elelock might be the strongest in terms of DPS but you hate playing it, you won’t enjoy the game. But of coz there are a few suggestions which you can look up in youtube to see if those playstyles might suit you. Some examples are

  • Wiz3>Ele3>War3. Classic elelock, strong aoe and single target
  • Wiz3>Ele3>FF3. Less AOE, but strong single target with kundela slash. Gets to fly+self heal
  • Wiz3>Ele3>Sorc1>Sage2. If you love sage skills and want other utility like opening portals
  • Wiz3>Thau3>Sorc1/Rune>Onmy2. Weaker single target but have much bigger aoe. Also have buffs for party
  • Wiz2>Kino3>Sorc2>Onmy2. Utilize firefox attribute for PP+GP.

There are many other options. Maybe you can tell us which class you really like, and we can try to figure out how to fill up the gaps for you.

Support wise, there are quite a few standard ones

  • Wiz2>Link3>Thauma3>Rune. Buff god. 3 swell buffs + sharing RuneOfProtection + magic defence breaker + link 10 mobs + lifeline.
  • Wiz1>Cryo3>Chrono2>Sage2/Ench2. Standard cryochrono. Might not be as good as before but I think its still good?
  • Wiz1>Cryo2>Kino3>Chrono3. God of CC.
  • Wiz1>Cryo2>Thauma3>Chrono3. Since you already need to invest SPR for chrono now, might as well go full SPR to fully benefit your swell brain.
    -Wiz1>Cryo2>Link3>Chrono3. Linker alternative, to share buffs + lifeline and link 10 mobs

Since the OP stated that he doesn’t have much knowledge and experience of the game, I pointed it out.

Yeah,the question is,though, what stats you want to get from gear. 3 stats primus gear isn’t that common, and with only 2 stats, even after resetting several times, it’s pretty hard to get CON+SPR.
This game is pretty unforgiving on this matter (at least until the current kTest patch arrives and primus drop rates are quadrupled), so you’d have to either buy it for dozens of millions from someone or farm the living daylight out of the hunting grounds.
A good gear progression would be Solmiki cloth->Velcoffer, but since we don’t know what the player wants to do with his character, we can’t say much about gearing up in the first place.

I just stated that there are these two big cons of maining a Wizard and gearing it up accordingly since the OP wanted some intel about this. What he chooses and which path he wants to follow is, in the end, up to himself/his opinion about the game and/or how to get entertained by playing it.

Just wondering, with your logic, would you bring any archer to Velcoper or would you just go with clerics and swordies? Not many players go full CON on their characters.

Also I don’t think recommending Solmiki gear for a newer player would be a good idea.