Tree of Savior Forum

Returning player, basically wich class should i pick?

Hey guys, been back after a long break from the game and im wondering wich rank should i pick for my elementalist, currently im using w3 ele3 w2 and as aditional info i just love elementalist so i wouldn’t mind dropping WL honestly… i did test warlock3 for a while and honestly… it doesn’t feel THAT good… but i might be wrong… so if anyone has experience with another builds feel free to share your experience :smiley: its going to be super helpful… (also i like pvp and pve)

Your favorite.



You can reset one character per day until next maint so trying out some builds would be nice. If for any reason you can’t spend a lot of resets on your wiz because you have other characters or you can’t play for most of the remaining days then I guess you need help.

Some suggestions I have for elementalist would be:

wiz3 > ele3 > sorc1 > enchanter2/shadowmancer2/sage2

Sorc1 is a great rank 7 single rank filler class due to the summoning skill but it kind of encourages you to go with a full SPR build. Other 1 rank fillers are runecaster, wl1 for shadowmancer 10% dark damage boost, chrono for enchanter atk spd or pyro for enchant fire, thaum1 for swell left (now with 5 min duration) and Featherfoot for bloodsucking and bone pointing hex (magic damage up debuff, I think?).

Enchanter2 gives three useful buffs for you and your party with no downtime. Enchant lightning will boost all hits by a set amount based on int and spr. Enchant Earth grants the ability to block even without shields and also increases block rate. Lightning hands turns your auto attacks into lightning bolts with a small aoe and a 500%-ish skill factor at level 5. It also has an attribute that applies a 10 second debuff that increases magic damage taken by the target. Enchanter2 compliments elementalist by providing a good source of dps while your skills are on their long cooldown, as well as significantly increasing the damage of multi hit spells like hail.

Shadowmancer2 is quite simply another dps class that will add more spells to your arsenal. What you might want to know about shadowmancer is that its skills have a short cooldown and a lot of overheat letting you cast skills multiple times. On circle 2, the spells will become even stronger with attributes, but only against ground targets. Another limitation is that the SP costs for its skills are very high.

Sage2 is actually better than most people make it out to be. The attributes in circle 2 and the OH and reticle targeting adjustments can let it dps decently now. Micro dimension will create a delayed 2nd hit explosion with a relatively large AoE after you hit something with it. Ultimate dimension has been buffed and hits air targets now, and the new attribute will give it a DoT after effect that hits 10 times (1 hit per 0.5 seconds over 5 seconds). The new skill Dimension Compression actually deals a lot of single target damage, it also pulls nearby mobs to the target but it’s kind of clunky when it comes to that.

EDIT: I’ve also heard good things about FF3, levitation, blood sucking, blood curse and the new debuff enervation has its uses for a wiz3>ele3

Anyway it’s still better if you can get a feel of these other classes yourself if possible, but I hope I helped somewhat with these descriptions.

if you want to continue the path of elememe dont touch the shadowmancer…its require full SPR because the vampiric SP cost, 1 shadowthorn cast is equal to 500~700 SP cost…

just try it buddy, otherwie you dont know it…

You can freely reset a character until the next maintenance? How do I do that?

just get from the npc “Laima” at klaipedia near bulletin / portal area…daily!!before the server reset…u hv 7 days left(included today) with 1 more extra if one of your chr hit to gap lv 360.

ps: pls read the “news notice” for more information LOLZ

Yea, I read multiple patches in the news section. I didn’t see anything about it.

use the news section of the actual site, the forums are kind of hard to navigate