Tree of Savior Forum

Restricting New Players To Improve Server? That's a good Sign!

Per the new announcement that just posted…

I think it’s a good idea that they do this in order to fix the server. I sense that a fix for the bot and gold seller spam are underway…

Change is coming! Hopefully the wait will be worth it

Best news I hear in months. Finally they decide that fixing the issues is more important

Yes, a permanent fix will finally happen, i think its great!

Hopefully a fix for the bots and gold sellers will be implemented… Since theyre one of the reasons why the server lags…

Finally IMC this is great news.Good job.Now you all can buy the founders it’s safeeee :joy: They are finally starting to work.

Maybe they’ll make the game buy to play now? :stuck_out_tongue:

I do not think it is a solution to the current problems. The player base is dropping and they are limiting the amount of players that could access the game.

Testing a server stability/lag is done by having as many players online as possible.

For an example: if there are 10k online while they are doing all the “fixing”, once they open up the server again to new players and it hits again 20k people, server stability issues/lag are likely to appear again.

Also fixing most of the current issues will require them to shut down the server for a few hours anyways.

The biggest thing this gonna do is limit the amount of bots/gold sellers but again temporarily…

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Well, as I mentioned before, gold sellers and bots are one of the primary reasons why the server is being unstable…

Also, they might be planning to change the business model of the game… No one really knows… I guess we’ll have to wait until the “fixed” is in place

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What you talking about is stress test. Which already failed. You need less people to fix stuff so you can monitor something useful. Fixing issues are expensive affair. If your server is already severely overloaded like now, maybe even adding more server won’t make a difference. You will then be unable to identify what’s the true issue. With less people, small tweaks will make a diff and thus allow you to optimise it. Once they feel it’s optimised enough, that’s when they should open again for testing .

I just lost my trust in IMC in iToS, the way they are fixing their problems/bugs/servers is just slow and unprofessional. Before I was hoping ToS wouldn’t be picked by Nexon, now when I saw what IMC got to offer, any publisher would do a better job.

Having to pay to play (cash) a good game is better than not being able to play at all + (those damn dlc costs are absurd).

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It still could cause the lag/server stability issues to come back due to more people playing. It might solve all the problems buy lowering the amount of people who can access the game but it could also bring the problems back.

Opening new servers is costy, and you do not open them unless you must do it. Depending how the player base is getting smaller (what is normal since the launch hype is over) they are more likely gonna need to merge servers in the future.

I just do not think this is the ultimate solution. But I hope for the best…

Well better then nothing really

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Yes finally a restriction that can temporary stop numerous steam accounts to be created just to BOT.

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Yea, I am just really disappointed. I do not know much about the state of other servers than SA, but considering that they opened SA, knowing that they had a limited number of server-machine was a horrible decision.

They also knew a rough number of people that were about to transfer considering the big amount of BR players.

The yesterdays after patch notice about the SA server made a giant amount of people leave the game, lol.

And that’s the proof that they really needed to release the game in june like it was planned. They needed time but idiots kept complaining to have the game earlier than planned. You reap what you sow guys.

Anyway, I’m with IMC.
I hope they will have enugh funds to get through this.

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This has certainly peaked my interest, but… I have to wonder wth ever made them decide the game was ready for F2P in the first place. What future awaits the game? How long shall it be closed? So much money has already gone into the years of work the game has taken, how much more do they have to keep fixing things? Seems like a big loss of revenue already. What content, fixes, packages (if any), etc will come for current players?

There’s a ton of questions that I guess will only be answered with time. Cheers to bots going poof though. :wine_glass:

This is like FF14. Then realm reborn was a smash hit. Hope they can do it (in a smaller scale)

And if they are really doing their job, I dont mind them launching another round of founders pack to fund the server. It maybe just me but this game has potential that it should not be abandoned yet.

It was not them who decided but the F2P players who kept pressuring them to release and those same freeloders who could’ve just come during early access little by little.

The early access was planned to at least 2-3 months. The funders packs were reasonable, there were less lag. There were really no real reason to not jump in if some people really wanted to spend money on it.

Also, anybody who joined the 1 month early access was against the F2P release being earlier than planned but we were a minority compared to the horde of F2P train who jumped on the game when it launched as F2P.

Result ?
IMC can’t manage this tsunami!

That’s why I said above: “you reap what you sow”. :smiling_imp:


There may be some truth to what you say, but we’re talking about a professional gaming company here, not a case of teenaged peer pressure. xD The state of the game hasn’t changed much at all, so I don’t see what would have made them think it was kosher then and now they need to yank it completely.

Read this: I Love Tree of Savior; I Am Leaving Tree of Savior

That’s one thing I dislike about people, indies dev can be easely forgiven when they’ve that title but not when it’s some young pro company like IMC.

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