Tree of Savior Forum

[Request] Indicator of summon presence

I would like to request an indicator, such as a pet panel or buff bar (specifically for pets), that shows the following information;

  1. The pets spell icon (Shoggoth, Summon, Salamion, Zombify)
  2. The number of pets under your control respective to that icon (8 zombies, 5 skeletons, 5 skeleton archers, etc)
  3. Duration left on said summons (5 mins for skeletons, skele archers, 9 mins for shoggy, summon, etc)

I ask for the following reasons:

  1. In group content it is difficult to tell the state of your summons, especially if their names aren’t showing up
  2. Some types of summons, such as skeletons, like to stack exactly on top of each other, making it hard to tell their remaining numbers
  3. Duration of summons remains hidden, and it would simply be nice to know how long you have before you have to re-summon them

I am asking this in General because it affects all classes with summons, and is an issue that should be resolved regardless of any class reworks in progress or in the future.



There’s an addon called Summon Counter which tells exactly how many summons are left.

But yes, I hope they can make it officially implemented in game just like map fog addon

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