Tree of Savior Forum

[Request] Giant Shuriken Shield Costume

Requesting IMC for Giant Shuriken Shield Costume for better visual of shinobi class, bonus that Peltast can throw it since its a shield.


i don’t think shield is a better idea

but it’s awesome weapon man

good idea


itll be easier to program if it was just a shield costume. thus we can get it faster

It may be faster, but do you not think a shuriken skin on the shield would be… “strange”… " non-standard"…?

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nah i doubt if they make shuriken as a weapon thats a head ache to program for only 1 class that could only use it.

not only this, but also custom weapons too !

There is an weapon class called artefact that replaces sub-hand weapons, like shields and knives.

It could technically fit into that category.

artefact is a sub-weapon for rogues, i think. there’s also some “sub-weapons” that are cosmetic, like a flag, tornado fan and the bubbles :smiley:

It wouldn’t block much O.o…