Tree of Savior Forum

[Report] Sadhu gameplay - Bugs and Feedback

So, I just reached the sadhu class and would like to give some Feedback

@Staff_Julie, I hope you can redirect this to the devs for me

Bug: Using Out of Body can completely crash the client when there are obstacles at the point where your spirit would move when you cast the skill

Bug: Using Astral Body Explosion will often lead to rubberbanding

Suggestion: The spirit of sadhu will never be able to colelct items. Please consider changing this at it makes the, otherwise very mobile, class very annoying to move

Suggestion: Sadhu was nerfed extremely. Please consider changing the attack speed a little. (Make it faster to attack)

Suggestion: The effect for the spirit-cord looked a lot better in previous versions. Please consider changing it.


Astral Body Explosion does not contribute to rubberbanding. In my case, I have not used any skill yet and I’m rewinding every 30 seconds.

I hope that your suggestions would be considered. I’m a sadhu player also and I make my teammates FPS suffer when I use OOB.
But being able to loot via Spirit (zbot sadhu) or faster ASPD may make it very OP IMO.
Just to add, if they will buff the Sadhu’s OOB ASPD, please nerf the Paladin restoration combo, as Restoration from the videos I saw, gives an invisible buff for OOB Spirit damage.

Yeah, I also noticed FPS decrease when goin into OoB. Propably the chain-effect…it also bugs out a lot. The Rubberbanding isnt actually rubberbanding…its jsut that your real position is stuck to the position where your body was before Astral Body Explosion. You can then visually walk around as if nothing happened…but about 10 seconds later u r back at the old position. Only using OoB again can help then,

Yeah I have the same issue, it’s so annoying any ways to cope with it?

Bad coding rather than latency issue. Just encountered it, explosion causes your character to be lock on your location… moving away will teleport you back that exact location where u cast explosion, thus looking like it’s rubberbanding :confused:

We highly appreciate your inputs and insights regarding the servers for Tree of Savior. We will forward this suggestion to our proper department for further review. Thanks!

Okay, so I’ve looked up my issue just about everywhere, multiple searches later however i haven’t seen anyone else with this issue leading me to believe its something only effecting me. When i use Out Of Body to advance quests they do not advance, regardless of what quests they are aside from quests where i have to wait for a timer to count down, Almost as though being Out Of Body makes kills not count as my own but rather another player, please give me assistance with this/fix the issue if it is effecting people other than just myself. Otherwise this would make Sadhu Single-handedly the most useless class in this game, i could have taken krivis instead and actually be able to deal some damage WITHOUT having to be vulnerable to attacks and i’d still be able to do quests, but at this point in time sadhu was a waste of my rank 4 class all together, as i cannot use it for anything besides grinding off of mobs alone and or killing bosses (which for all i know will also stall quest advancement where bosses are concerned) in which case sadhu should recieve an exp bonus for killing mobs over other classes as they stall out questing. Which when you have cleric 2 and priest 1 as a backup to Sadhu questing becomes more than just a little bit tedious.(heal 10 and cure 5 are not great in level 80-90 boss fights, i can only imagine how bad 120 will be) Again, please assist me with this in any way you can, This issue is more than just a little bit frustrating as my wall of text here may imply. Also if it gives relevence, im not pure con or anything, I do decent damage with my skills, but low level skills just arnt cutting it, sadhu’s damage is an improvement but i cannot use it.

I’ve never run into or seen anyone with this issue. Can you maybe give a little more detail? What level are you, how long have you been a Sadhu? Has this happened on every quest, or just a few? If it’s been just a few, can you list the names of the quests? Can you also possibly show us a video of this happening? As far as I can tell you’re saying that if you kill things with OoB, it doesn’t count towards quest completion.

If this is a bug, then it’s a pretty major one, but I’ve definitely had 0 issues along these lines, and would have no idea how to go about recreating it.

Asphidel, It is in fact every quest save for quests merely consisting of a timer counting down, I don’t know the quests by name but so far EVERY quest requiring my to kill mobs will not progress while OOB is used to kill, regardless of the quests functionality IE. Killing for the sake of killing mobs, Killing to collect items off of them, killing to build a charge in an item to use elsewhere… i haven’t tried it on quests for breaking objectives like totems or such, nor for objectives requiring a boss kill, as all prior quests i attempted to complete caused nothing to happen or worse caused a state of quest failure and required a restarting of my game. A good example of this is the quest in Delmore Manor where you are expected to break the barrier by hitting the little teleporting orb 5x, when i hit it in OOB it didn’t count towards hitting the orb but it DID count as me shutting down the field, Resulting in the field failing to actually shut down at all. So far i am level 80-82? idk i didn’t look when i took off last night i was a tad frustrated. As for requesting video, i don’t mind if the issue is still occurring after this patch, but we’ll have to wait for that as i haven’t taken a video to date of this issue, and i understand that if its a bug it is major and that nobody seems to be having this issue aside from me or i’d have taken other peoples suggestions to rectify it, But as i stated prior it was mentioned nowhere else and my only advice came from someone playing Bokor. (he did mention that hitting the mobs himself kept his “Tet Mamak La” from preventing quest progression, but when i tried this method myself it had no effect… As i also mentioned prior) Either way wither i am having this issue after this patch OR not, i will post back here with results of trying once more, and if the bug still persists i’ll post video evidence of it as per your request… assuming i can upload the video here, I dont feel the need to upload a video to a hosting site just to go and take it down after this is or isnt fixed.

Yeah, that’s very odd. Most people just upload videos to youtube. But if it’s still an issue after the patch, then yeah, a video would be helpful for troubleshooting. Hopefully it’s fixed though!

(Edit) I was figuring screenshots of busting mobs and no progression would do, but so far today my error seems to have been worked itself out, so i guess… Eureka? anyway if i have future issue’s i’ll post them here. (Edit) I’ve since switched over to playing my Wizard, but whenever i do use my sadhu i don’t seem to have any troubles with most things, as expected there are a tiny handful of quests that cause issue, specifically in Delmore Outskirts.

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