Tree of Savior Forum

Reply limit on the first day

Continuing the discussion from [ BUMP ] There is a limit on number of post + others:

So, what exactly is the point of having a limit of posts on the first day? I have just reached that amount and wanted to give an helpful reply to a thread and was unable to. Isn’t it natural that on the first day of joining a forum you want to participate, especially in a day like this, where a million of questions are happening?

I mean, for example, what’s the difference between a person that created an account on one day and just started posting a day later and a person that created an account and started posting on that same day? I don’t see any, yet one has a reply limit while the other doesn’t.

I can understand where it is coming from, I just don’t think it’s a good idea. And now I have to rely on actually creating topics to get my point across, since it seems I’m still able to do that.
Oh well, guess I’ll come back to the forums in 14 hours, have no desire to create topics for now, just wanted to reply to others. With that said, I won’t even be able to reply to this topic that I just created…

Well, 24 hours, at a glance, that’s nothing. But when you want to participate on something and there’s a barrier of 14 hours ahead of you, it’s hell…

I just want to be a helpful member, contribute to the community, share my thoughts and help others.
Surely there’s got a be a better way to prevent bots/spammer without actually impairing the normal users.

It’s just to prevent bots/spams, and makes it easier to respond to them as fast as possible.

It’s only 24 hours, you can participate as much as you’d like afterwards :sunny: