Tree of Savior Forum

Rental Box (Item lending)

I think we should let it on GMs…

Not bad BUUUTT they already have the whole “Rent a player for combat when they’re offline” so your concept might be unnecessary :confused:

But that’s to rent player’s char as a mercenary, and this is to rent his item. That’s something another.
Btw. Thanks for agreeing :slight_smile:

I don’t know how good or bad the idea of OP is, but I don’t think botting is really related to this.

I mean if there are bots, why would they even need this rental mechanic for farming items and flooding a markets? Instead of farming items and allowing others rent them at stupid price as you said, they would just farm items then sell them at stupid prices. Ain’t just selling better for them because they use bot to mass farming items after all. The latter is already the worst, it can’t get worse. If there are bots then many will try to use them and the game will be broken down in just so many way, the idea of OP isn’t going to be a drop in all that.

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I agree with Raine, OP’s idea is completely unrelated to botting. The idea will not make botting any easier or more profitable.

I think it is a decent idea though for ensuring you get back any items you lend out to friends/guildmates. I don’t think there needs to be any kind of reward for the lender, the reward is simply helping out a friend - or not.

In other games there have been times where I have lent out rare items to some guildmates in a different timezone than myself and it took quite a while for me to end up getting my items back. It would be nice if ToS had an easy way to get your item back automatically after a predefined time period.

I’ve been in RO recently and saw the kafra point gear rental NPCs… It seems to me they boost new players too high and let you bypass the earily grind and devalue vended low level items and gear. I tried to actually use them but warpportal wouldn’t let me buy points without a one time 24h approval process.
I don’t think its a good idea, especially for a new game.

I think you haven’t read clearly, cause it isn’t related to Cash Shop in any way.

Im talking about gear rental system. instead of paying a person you pay kafra. No need to nit pick >.>

But this is thread about a box, in that you put something and can rent it in the box.

What’s in the rental box? Fluffy kittens?

Read the Thread untill you get it -.-
Look… There’s a NPC selling Rental boxes, that are EMPTY. If you buy them, you can put there any Equip and Rent it to other players.You will get the Equip you rent back after it expires.
There was NOTHING about Cash Shop. This isn’t related to Cash Shop rental Equip.
Got it?
Edit: In the box could be ANY Equip you put in. Not sure there will be an equip named Fluffy Kittens.

I don’t think its a good idea, its nothing to do with cash shop. Im not sure what there is to not understand, peple can have their own opinions without it being a matter of them not understanding. They can just not like your ideas =P

Well but you was saying something about Cash Shop and it has nothing to do with it, so I’ve tried to explain
Btw. What don’t ya like on it?

Well, I don’t like rental things in general, in a game context the effects are pretty open to speculation but look what happens in real life rental systems. The rich get richer and the poor are kept down.

It’s great if you can rent-off your old outdated leveling gear, but who’s going to have old gear if its more affordable to rent through your lvling, you wont have old gear and at every stage your “living expenses/rent” keeps you from saving up while the landlord cashes in.

But regardless, this kind of system just seems very open to monopolies and money farming ect…

There’s good and bad possibilities but I see the bad coming up more pretty much because it’s a money scheme and money stuff seems to just bring tha bad out. Lets face it, what are the odds that this whole system will be taken over by Chinese money sellers as a way to get silver without botting. >_<

It’s an interesting idea but too disruptive and too many negative possibilities for my liking. Personally I dont like having gear that expires, it feels crappy. I like permanent stuff.

Well this was planned for players to be sure they will get rent/borrowed item back. I don’t think ppl will stop it. Just they will get it w/o reporting the player. If the player won’t get it back, it will be scamming/hacking, so he will get it back by GM.

By taking over the system, i am referring to monopolising the system/ flooding it and prettymuch getting rent off the majority of people. We become their bots then lol.

Maybe each item can only be rented for a limited period and / or only middle lower level items can be rented. Things can be made to be more complex to avoid exploit like each person can only rent a same weapon for fixed times / period and time per period. Or a item will have their “quality” reduced overtime while being rented until it is broken permanently so it’s up to the owners to calculate how they can make a profit. To make it even more complex, maybe prices of rented items will be calculated by the game based on avg floating prices of those same item on the market. But I doubt the developers will ever be willing to go through half of all that trouble just for a system which isn’t really necessary.

Well its for players to be sure their equip comes back, so I don’t agree limitations

Nah. It’s not like the developers really carefully read our posts and agreed with any of us. With us, it’s just putting our ideas here. With them developers, it’s their whole carriers, a whole lot of players who many of them will always try to do sneaky things, one mistake and they might have to pull their hairs out literally. Even in real life, renting has its down sides too, like reducing of product quality, that and then we are talking about a game with an economy which is a whole lot easier to be broken down. Renting without any down side to the owners, like just have an item and you can let people rent it for as long as the game life time and earn money? We know that is going to affect the economy badly, the values of items will be decreased a lot. I’m half wanting to explain why but it’s so troublesome, I think you can imagine. The problem is not you making money, I don’t know if you can make much money when there are so much competition, the problem is you devalued the items.