Tree of Savior Forum

Removing time restrictions on attributes

I think the silver cost of attributes is plenty. Why lock them behind a time barrier as well?

I think it would be a vast improvement if the time was removed from upgrading attributes


Or at least let us queue up to 3 attributes so we dont have to continuously go back to town.


Attributes are very powerful scaling tools later in game. I think the time barrier has its reasons. Queue is a very good idea though.

As much as I hate the damn time restricted tactic from mobile use for attribute, I have to agree with CookyKim. If anything, like Mioure has pointed out, at least like us have a queue of ~3 attribute to learn, or have enough queue to fill an hour or two.

I think they could have done a bit better with the way learning attributes works. The time requirement seems so tacked on to me… and also going back to town to learn the next is a pain.

What I would have liked to have seen would be:

-Buying Attributes in portable scroll form.
(That way when the previous attribute is learnt, you can begin learning the next from your inventory.)

-Better system other than a timer to learn Attribute.
(I would have liked it to have been a matter of actually using the skill in question to level up the attribute, rather than just a countdown timer. They could have made it so you click the attribute scroll that you bought and a bar appears in your attribute window saying how many times you need to use the skill to level up the attribute.
First you read the scroll, then you practice the skill, then you are better at it >_<
It would have added something more to the game IMO… Timer countdown is just boring and uninteresting.)


So much this. It feels like the time cost and inability to queue up attributes is designed just to make us come back to town a lot. We already need to come back to town to buy potions and repair why add something else?

Well honestly the time requirements really aren’t that necessary. Its just a way for them to not have you power up too quickly if you somehow gained a ton of money.

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How does what I said effect any of that? You still pay the same silver, you still get the same attribute effects. It still takes you time to learn them. I can’t see what you are saying my idea would change.

True that. I totally misread that - will retract.

And here i thought the cooldown timer on passive skills was too short! Maybe its because they don’t want us maxing those skills out too quickly for huge buffs, i noticed the plate type armor one was giving me a pretty big boost in def and hp at only lvl 3, so i can imagine how crazy it would be if someone started a new character and rushed those skills up to 10 or whatever the max is right away.

Doesn’t matter to me , just click it and go do your own thing. You don’t have to sit and wait next to the master.

I think the problem in this matter is that the time for the initial upgrades are too low and competes with the hard grinding on maps.

5 or 6 minutes for one upgrade is too low, maybe queueing a max of 30 minutes is the way to go.

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Probably a feature to make rich people less likely to just buy up all stats for every skill immediately and draw ahead of people that had less luck farming.

With the time restriction a poorer person will still be able to limp along with someone who through some means got much richer in the same time scale, and the time limit will also encourage people to invest silver in upgrading equipment, which will then have more value and encourage them to sell it in auction rather than just tossing it as it becomes obsolete.

It also serves as a silver dump because unlike passive stats, equipment WILL become obsolete, forcing you to invest again.

You will still have to pay the silver cost. They want you to make multiple characters, look at how many classes there are. So why not give yourself a nice power boost if you have the money? My biggest gripe is returning to town and keeping an eye on it. Like others have stated a queue would be nice or being able to learn them from the field.

I think change it to be depend on character level should be better.
if my character level is 60 I can learn Plate mastery up to level 10 next level will be available at level 66.

Now a restriction is a character level all player may be have more motivate to play their class.

I also consider this attribute system is a money sink too may be increase a cost too.

This is my 2cents >=P

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I really like it Aries. I think leveling attributes would be an interesting mechanic. More exciting than paying and waiting. I hope the devs read it.

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I thought of the very same thing (and I’m removing my comment already related to it). Learning by using is surelly more interesting than just paying and waiting for.

But being more realistic, for the actual system a queue is a must have.

Nevermind, just read the linked article and it is, essentially, what I wanted to throw out there. Curse you, my short attention span!