Tree of Savior Forum

Remove unnecessary multihits from skills (Combat Overhaul)

For example Hoplite C3 spear throw. It just doesn’t make much sense that this skill is hitting 3 times and since % scaling is finally added it doesn’t have to be that way anymore. This would also improve performance slightly.
There are a lot of other skills that could be changed in that way.

Multi hits serve a purpose though. It creates the possibility for some of the hits to be blocked or evaded, it also allows for flat scaling (ie. STR and equipment) to provide more to the damage formula. It also creates the very interesting dynamic of low hit count skills being better with Crit, which then causes a decision to be made with which skills and circles you invest in. For example Dethrone does more damage with Crit due to the high damage and low hit count, but Serpentine does more damage with raw attack. Though the new system is still being implemented this should remain true even going forward.

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Well im not saying that skills like serpentine shouldn’t be multihit anymore but if i remember correctly spear throw used to be a single hit skill and was then changed because it was too weak and scaled very poorly. Also as I mentioned earlier it just doesn’t make much sense for a skill like spear throw to be multihit how can you block 1/3 or 2/3 of a spear thrown on you?
You have a point on the scaling with crit rate though, instead of 3x100% it should probably do something like 200%-250% to account for the higher crit chance then.
Regarding dethrone as it is on itos right now its a fake multihit anyway so either both hits crit or both hits don’t crit were on ktest to my knowledge its a true multi hit now which makes it scale far worse with crit chance.
So as I stated in the topic there are some skills that just don’t make much sense to be multihit or are multihit because they were balanced that way in the old combat system and thus could/should be changed right now.

I was just using those ones as examples. In the case of Dethrone a 50% modifier on a high base damage skill will do more than on Serpentine, of course if Dethrone had two true hits with the same base damage the Crit on it would be better, but the point is it’s balanced to only do one hit, and Serpentine is balanced to do 7.

Even with the new combat system multihits make sense. Additional damage (from Accessories, or Buffs) and the formula itself all scale in a similar way, with low hitcounts favouring Crit and high hitcounts favouring STR/INT.

When it comes to games, the most realism I want is within the rules of the world. With Spear Throw and these other skills we’re using magic on our weapons which all make sense within the rules of TOS.

The point is, there is a practical reason, and any unrealistic effects are due to the universe in which TOS takes place in.