Tree of Savior Forum

Remove DMG-inrease of higher level mobs!

since the matchmatching is so fuckin trash, atleast remove the dmg-increase of higher lvled mobs.

iam lvl 191 with 11k hp and i went into a mission…for some reason i got matched with lvl 205 players…
the result of this was that i had to fight lvl 205 boss mobs…
and they dealt, 90% increased dmg because of the stupid level penalty…

result: i got oneshotet by almost every single skill.


ok, stop sitting in queue for so long.

<5 minutes: +/- 5 levels.
5-10 minutes: +/-10 levels
10-15 minutes: +/-15 levels.

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thats bullshit bro…i was like 4min in que