Tree of Savior Forum

[Reminder] Please check your transfer status

@Staff_Julie @Staff_Julie @Staff_Julie
Julie help our guild master plz…plz…Our guild master cannot disband the guild and he may miss the deadline of transfer because of this.
We were at war with another guild last week and the war has ended for 2 days. Still, our guild master is not able to disband the guild. Said “u can’t disband a guild while you are at war” the system. You can see that from the screenshots below. Is this some kind of bug?
The deadline of server transfer is approaching and we guild members are all pretty anxious about this.



I can’t disband my guild either because I’m currently at war. I’ve already sent a ticket but I’d like to have more info on what can be done about it from my end or IMC’s end.

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Is your guild leader Lewis on Orsha?

Can I please have your team name and server?

No, they won’t disappear. They’ll remain in your mailbox.

Yes, Lewis on Orsha
(:3 」∠ )


Reiii has the same problem on Orsha, he is a guild leader of Synapse and can’t disband the guild to do the transfer.

@Staff_Julie I have the same issue as well, sent in a support ticket but it’s been unhelpful.

Team name: Reiii
Server: Orsha

War already ended but the game still thinks i’m at war and won’t let me disband.
I also need to submit my transfer to SEA :frowning:


Katzenberg, Klaipeda.

@Staff_Julie Can i please get a reply, when its my turn in que please? I was promised to be given back what i deserve, and as time stalls, people will eventually pretend it never happened and i will lose my things.

@Staff_Julie Does the ticket need to be “answered” to confirm the transfer status?

@Staff_Julie hi julie
my party name Lewis(Orsha) need transfer >(SEA) Telsial
thank you for your help!

Your transfer ticket will change to [Answered] after the transfers actually take place.


Alright thanks for the confirmation. :gift_heart:

Looks like someone bought silver from RMT… It’s the best excuse “someone bought my item for 4m” from a 45 toon, theres nothing with this price at this lvl…
@Staff_Julie plz check this account, and where the gold came from, plz!

hi items from storage will get transfer also or not?

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

What about a squire shop? Should I close it before transfer or it’s ok to leave it open?

HELP please, I thought premium users does not have market retrieve queuing time :sob: :sob: :sob:

Better safe then sorry, I think you can live not having it open for a day. :slight_smile: