Tree of Savior Forum

[Reminder] Please check your transfer status

A number of players are unable to submit transfer requests because of various reasons, mostly guild and wrongly linked Steam account.

I cannot grant transfer requests to those who have missed the ticket submission deadline. You must have not been able to submit a ticket due to an error message when the requests were still open.

Users who are unable to submit transfer tickets:
Forum: @necly1001 @nanora @kazushi_rei @arek765 @gamerelite6372

If you’re on this list, please make sure you’ve PM’d me the server you wish to transfer to. Thank you.

Original thread:
Hi, everyone.

Those of you who are getting ready for server transfers should start taking down the items you listed for sale or claim what you bought/sold/received from the [Retrieve] tab on the Market.

Remember there’s a cooldown on collecting your silver if you sell something and sometimes, you can’t even claim the items you cancel right away.

In addition, if you’re still part of a guild, please make sure you leave it. Guild masters will have their guild registration fee waived or reimbursed.

Others can be disregarded including your TP, unclaimed DLC in the mailbox, Tokens, and the items in your character and team storages. They all move with your team.

Rule of thumb: If something is dependent on the server and not just your own team, it will not get transferred over.
i.e. you cannot sell items on the market across different servers because the market is server-specific, so you have to clear out everything from the market to be able to transfer to another server.


Also check your alt too, since there are SP potion from last maintainance.
Make sure nothing left in your market.


Julie can you check my message pls, i sent 7 days ago about macro.
Many people in my community group start using macro for AFK…

when will the transfger be? do we have to do it now? i cant log on coz of school

Just make sure everything is done in 24/4.
And you shouldn’t put any new items on market now, cuz it require 48h to retrieve the money from selling

Transfers will be carried out by IMC during the weekly maintenance.

Hold on, is this only for people who asked for transfers? or the global population that sits on Ferdi and is going to be transfered to Germany server?

it’s only for the people who applied for transfer

If you didn’t ask for a transfer, then its not about you.

alright thanks for clearing this out for me.

If you are already on Fedimian then yeah you’re going to be moved in EU. Idk if you can transfer to the other servers though.

I cant cancel the items listed on market. @Staff_Julie

Me too. Fix pls i want to get these item down for server transfer :frowning:
But no matter how many time i try it still give me a message like this. And nothing happen

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

So, deadline 26/04/2016, not 24/04/2016?
Сlarify please.

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@Staff_Julie, any word if the token benefits will be brought over to the server we’re gonna transfer to?

24th is the ending date of application of transfer.
26th would be the actual maintenance day for team transferring.
but it’s best NOT to do anymore sales starting from today .
in case of bugs or “unable to retrieve item/silver” issue

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it is already stated that token benefits will be transferred as well,
it’s a team based bonus,not a server based one.

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@kjndst.9x @jeremysantillan196

I believe you will have enough time to get your items/silver. Please just make sure you don’t use the Market from this point forward.

I’m going to be testing the market again just to be sure there aren’t any major bugs preventing players from retrieving their things.